Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/715

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PUBLIC LAW 106-65—OCT. 5, 1999 113 STAT. 691 "(ii) The Health Care Finance Administration's Resource Based Relative Value Scale, "(iii) Negotiated fee schedules, "(iv) Global fees. "(v) Sliding scale individual fee allowances. "(B) The amount equal to 115 percent of the CHAMPUS maximum allowable charge for the service. "(b) THIRD-PARTY COLLECTIONS.—(1) A medical treatment facility of the uniformed services under the TRICARE program has the same right as the United States under section 1095 of this title to collect from a third-party payer the reasonable charges for health care services described in paragraph (2) that are incurred by the facility on behalf of a covered beneficiary under that program. "(2) The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations for the administration of this subsection. The regulations shall set forth the method to be used for the computation of the reasonable charges for inpatient, outpatient, and other health care services. The method of computation may be— "(A) a method that is based on— "(i) per diem rates; "(ii) all-inclusive rates for each visit; "(iii) diagnosis-related groups; or "(iv) rates prescribed under the regulations implementing sections 1079 and 1086 of this title; or "(B) any other method considered appropriate. "(c) CONSULTATION REQUIREMENT. —The Secretary of Defense shall carry out the responsibilities under this section after consultation with the other administering Secretaries.". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 55 of such title is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1097a the following new item: " 1097b. TRICARE program: financial management. ". (b) REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION.—(1) Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the other administering Secretaries, shall submit to Congress a report assessing the effects of the implementation of the requirements and authorities set forth in sections 1097b of title 10, United States Code (as added by subsection (a)). (2) The report shall include the following: (A) Ai assessment of the cost of the implementation of such requirements and authorities. (B) An assessment of whether the implementation of any such requirements and authorities will result in the utilization by the TRICARE program of the best industry practices with respect to the matters covered by such requirements and authorities. (3) In this subsection, the term "administering Secretaries" has the meaning given that term in section 1072(3) of title 10, United States Code. (c) IMPROVEMENT TO THIRD-PARTY COLLECTION PROGRAM.—(1) Section 1095 of title 10, United States Code, is amended— (A) in subsection (a)(1)— (i) by striking "the reasonable costs of and inserting "reasonable charges for"; (ii) by striking "such costs" and inserting "such charges"; and Regul8.tions. Deadline. 10 USC 1097b note.