PUBLIC LAW 106-65—OCT. 5, 1999 113 STAT. 753 (C) The anticipated effect of enemy use of weapons of mass destruction, other as)mimetrical attacks, expected rates of peacekeeping, and other contingency missions and other similar factors on the mobihty force and its required infrastructure and on mobihty requirements. (D) The effect on mobihty requirements of new service force structures such as the Air Forces Air Expeditionary Force, the Army's Strike Force, the Marine Corps' operational maneuver-from-the-sea concept and supporting concepts including Ship-to-Objective Maneuver, Maritime Prepositioning Forces 2010, and Seabased Logistics, and any foreseeable force structure modifications through 2005. (E) The need to deploy forces strategically and employ them tactically using the same lift platform. (F) The anticipated role of host nation, foreign, and coalition airlift and sealift support, and the anticipated requirements for United States lift assets to support coalition forces, through 2005. (G) Alternatives to the current mobility program or required modifications to the 1998 Air Mobility Master Plan update. (3) A review of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps maritime prepositioned ship requirements and modernization plan. (c) INTRA-THEATER REQUIREMENTS REPORT.— Not later than December 1, 2000, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report, in both classified and unclassified form, describing the intra-theater requirements for airlift, small-craft lift, and surface transportation necessary to carry out the full range of missions included in the National Military Strategy prescribed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the postures of force engagement anticipated through 2005. SEC. 1035. REPORT ON ASSESSMENTS OF READINESS TO EXECUTE THE NATIONAL MILITARY STRATEGY. (a) REPORT.— Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report in unclassified form assessing the effect of continued operations in the Balkans region on— (1) the ability of the Armed Forces to successfully meet other regional contingencies; and (2) the readiness of the Armed Forces to execute the National Military Strategy. (b) MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED. —The report under subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) All models used by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to assess the capability of the United States to execute the full range of missions under the National Military Strategy and all other models used by the Armed Forces to assess that capability. (2) Separate assessments that would result from the use of those models if it were necessary to execute the full range of missions called for under the National Military Strategy under each of the scenarios set forth in subsection (c), including the levels of casualties the United States would be projected to incur. Deadline. Deadline.