Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 2.djvu/554

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113 STAT. 1501A-36 PUBLIC LAW 106-113—APPENDIX A FEDERAL JUDICIAL CENTER SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Federal Judicial Center, as authorized by Public Law 90-219, $18,000,000; of which $1,800,000 shall remain available through September 30, 2001, to provide education and training to Federal court personnel; and of which not to exceed $1,000 is authorized for official reception and representation expenses. JUDICIAL RETIREMENT FUNDS PAYMENT TO JUDICIARY TRUST FUNDS For payment to the Judicial Officers' Retirement Fund, as authorized by 28 U.S.C. 377(o), $29,500,000; to the Judicial Survivors' Annuities Fund, as authorized by 28 U.S.C. 376(c), $8,000,000; and to the United States Court of Federal Claims Judges' Retirement Fund, as authorized by 28 U.S.C. 178(1), $2,200,000. UNITED STATES SENTENCING COMMISSION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For the salaries and expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of chapter 58 of title 28, United States Code, $8,500,000, of which not to exceed $1,000 is authorized for official reception and representation expenses. GENERAL PROVISIONS—^THE JUDICIARY SEC. 301. Appropriations and authorizations made in this title which are available for salaries and expenses shall be available for services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109. SEC. 302. Not to exceed 5 percent of any appropriation made available for the current fiscal year for the Judiciary in this Act may be transferred between such appropriations, but no such appropriation, except "Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services, Defender Services" and "Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services, Fees of Jurors and Commissioners", shall be increased by more than 10 percent by any such transfers: Provided, That any transfer pursuant to this section shall be treated as a reprogramming of funds under section 605 of this Act and shall not be available for obligation or expenditure except in compliance with the procedures set forth in that section. SEC. 303. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the salaries and expenses appropriation for district courts, courts of appeals, and other judicial services shall be available for official reception and representation expenses of the Judicial Conference of the United States: Provided, That such available funds shall not exceed $11,000 and shall be administered by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts in the capacity as Secretary of the Judicial Conference. SEC. 304. Pursuant to section 140 of Public Law 97-92, Justices and judges of the United States are authorized during fiscal year 2000, to receive a salary adjustment in accordance with 28 U.S.C.