Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 2.djvu/817

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PUBLIC LAW 106-113—APPENDIX E 113 STAT. 1501A-299 south 9 degrees 42 minutes 14 seconds east 500 feet to a point N148,697.62, E548,281.70, thence running north 88 degrees 54 minutes 13 seconds west 377.89 feet to a point N148,704.85, E547,903.88, thence running north 8 degrees 4 minutes 52 seconds west 1571.83 feet to a point N150,261.08, E547,682.92, thence running north 59 degrees 22 minutes 58 seconds east 435.66 feet returning to a point N150,482.96, E548,057.84 shall be redesignated as an anchorage area. (c) The area described by the following: N147,427.22, E548,464.05, thence running south 2 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds east 273.7 feet to a point N147,153.72, E548,474.44, thence running south 5 degrees 18 minutes 48 seconds west 2375.34 feet to a point N 144,788.59, E548,254.48, thence running south 73 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds west 93.40 feet to a point N144,761.59, E548,165.07, thence running north 2 degrees 10 minutes 39 seconds west 2589.81 feet to a point N147,349.53, E548,066.67, thence running north 78 degrees 56 minutes 16 seconds east 404.9 feet returning to a point N147,427.22, E548,464.05 shall be redesignated as an anchorage area. SEC. 222. There is hereby appropriated to the Department of the Interior $1,250,000 for the acquisition of lands in the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, to be derived from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. SEC. 223. For a payment to Virginia C. Chafee, widow of John H. Chafee, late a Senator from Rhode Island, $136,700. SEC. 224. Paragraph (5) of section 201(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 601(a)) is amended to read as follows: "(5)(A) The Director shall receive compensation at an annual rate of pay that is equal to the lower of— "(i) the highest annual rate of compensation of any officer of the Senate; or "(ii) the highest annual rate of compensation of any officer of the House of Representatives. "(B) The Deputy Director shall receive compensation at an annual rate of pay that is $1,000 less than the annual rate of pay received by the Director, as determined under subparagraph (A).". SEC. 225. In addition to amounts otherwise made available in Public Law 106-69 (Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000) to carry out 49 United States Code, 5309(m)(l)(C), $1,750,000 is made available from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund for Twin Cities, Minnesota metropolitan buses and bus facilities; $750,000 is made available from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund for Santa Clarita, California bus maintenance facility; $1,000,000 is made available from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund for a Lincoln, Nebraska bus maintenance facility; and $2,500,000 is made available from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund for Anchorage, Alaska 2001 Special Olympics Winter Games buses and bus facilities: Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, $2,000,000 of the funds available in fiscal year 2000 under section 1101(a)(9) of Public Law 105-178, as amended, for the National corridor planning and development and coordinated border infrastructure programs shall be made available for the planning and design of a highway corridor between Dothan, Alabama and Panama City, Florida: Provided further. That under "Capital Investment Grants"