Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 3.djvu/271

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PUBLIC LAW 106-163—DEC. 9, 1999 113 STAT. 1789 TITLE II—TIBER RESERVOIR ALLOCA- TION AND FEASIBILITY STUDIES AU- THORIZATION. SEC. 201. TIBER RESERVOIR. (a) ALLOCATION OF WATER TO THE TRIBE. — (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall permanently allocate to the Tribe, without cost to the Tribe, 10,000 acre-feet per year of stored water from the water right of the Bureau of Reclamation in Lake Elwell, Lower Marias Unit, Upper Missouri Division, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Montana, measured at the outlet works of the dam or at the diversion point from the reservoir. The allocation shall become effective when the decree referred to in section 101(b) has become final in accordance with that section. The allocation shall be part of the Tribal Water Right and subject to the terms of this Act. (2) AGREEMENT. —The Secretary shall enter into an agreement with the Tribe setting forth the terms of the allocation and providing for the Tribe's use or temporary transfer of water stored in Lake Elwell, subject to the terms and conditions of the Compact and this Act. (3) PRIOR RESERVED WATER RIGHTS.— The allocation provided in this section shall be subject to the prior reserved water rights, if any, of any Indian tribe, or person claiming water through any Indian tribe. (b) USE AND TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF ALLOCATION. — (1) IN GENERAL. —Subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in the Compact and this Act, the Tribe shall have the right to devote the water allocated by this section to any use, including agricultural, municipal, commercial, industrial, mining, or recreational uses, within or outside the Rocky Bo/s Reservation. (2) CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS.— Notwithstanding any other provision of statutory or common law, the Tribe may, with the approval of the Secretary and subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in the Compact, enter into a service contract, lease, exchange, or other agreement providing for the temporary delivery, use, or transfer of the water allocated by this section, except that no such service contract, lease, exchange, or other agreement may permanently alienate any portion of the tribal allocation. (c) REMAINING STORAGE.— The United States shall retain the right to use for any authorized purpose, any and all storage remaining in Lake Elwell after the allocation made to the Tribe in subsection (a). (d) WATER TRANSPORT OBLIGATION; DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY COSTS.— The United States shall have no responsibility or obligation to provide any facility for the transport of the water allocated by this section to the Rocky Boy's Reservation or to any other location. Except for the contribution set forth in section 105(a)(3), the cost of developing and delivering the water allocated by this title or any other supplemental water to the Rocky Boy's Reservation shall not be borne by the United States.