Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 3.djvu/445

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—I^IAR. 8, 1999 113 STAT. 1963 ADJOURNMENT—HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Feb. 12, 1999 AND SENATE [H.Con.Res.27] Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That when the House adjourns on the legislative day of Friday, February 12, 1999, it stand adjourned until 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23, 1999, or until noon on the second day after Members are notified to reassemble pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first; and that when the Senate recesses or adjourns at the close of business on Thursday, February 11, 1999, Friday, February 12, 1999, Saturday, February 13, 1999, or Sunday, February 14, 1999, pursuant to a motion made by the Majority Leader, or his designee, pursuant to this concurrent resolution, it stand recessed or adjourned until noon on Monday, February 22, 1999, or such time on that day as may be specified by the Majority Leader or his designee in the motion to recess or adjourn, or until noon on the second day after Members are notified to reassemble pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first. SEC. 2. The Speaker of the House and thie Majority Leader of the Senate, acting jointly after consultation with the Minority Leader of the House and the Minority Leadesr of the Senate, shall notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to reassemble whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. Agreed to February 12, 1999. DEATH OF MORRIS KING UDALI^-CONDOLENCES Mar. 8.1999 Whereas Morris King Udall served his Nation and his State of Arizona with honor and distinction in his 30 years as a Member of the United States House of Representatives; Whereas Morris King Udall became an internationaly recognized leader in the field of conservation, personally sponsoring legislation that more than doubled the National Park and National Wildlife Refuge systems, and added thousands of acres to America's National Wilderness Preservation Systcsm; Whereas Morris King Udall was also instrumental in reorganizing the United States Postal Service, in helping enact legislation to restore lands left in the wake of surface mining, enhancing and protecting the civil service, and fighting long and consistently to safeguard the rights and legacies of Native Americans; Whereas in his lifetime, Morris King Udall became known as a model Member of Congress and was among the most effective and admired legislators of his generation; Whereas this very decent and good man from Arizona also left us with one of the most precious gifts of all—a special brand of wonderful and endearing humor that was distinctly his; Whereas Morris King Udall set a standard for all facing adversity as he struggled against the onslaught of Parkinson's disease with the same optimism and humor that were the hallmarks of his life; and [H. Con. Res. 40]