Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 3.djvu/585

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PROCLAMATION 7206-JUNE 30, 1999 113 STAT. 2103 S£dis2a£ Efifecdve with respect to articles entered, or withdrawnfromwarehouse for consumption, on or after Sqitember 1.1999: (1) geaeFal note 4(a) to the HTS is modified by adding in alphabetical order "Mauritania" to the list entided"Independent Countries". (2) general note 4(b)(i) to the HTS is modified by adding in alphabetical order "Mauritania". Eflfective withrespectto articles entered, or withdrawnfromwarehouseforconsumption, on or after July 1.1999, general note 4(d) to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States CHTS") is modified by: (1) deleting the following subheadings and the country set out opposite such suUieadings: 1604.1S.00 Chile 7403.13.00 Chile 7403.19.00 Chile 8708.39.30 Braz U (2) deleting the country set out opposite the following subheadings: 2825.30.00 South Africa 2841.90.10 South Africa 2907.29.25 South Africa 2909.50.40 Indonesia 3817.10.50 Indonesia •• 8531.20.00 Philippines (3) adding, in numerical sequence, the following provisions and countries set out opposite them: 0712.90.30 Pe r u 0713J3.20 El Salvador 0713.90.60 India 0714.20.10 Dominican Republic 0802.31.00 India 0805.90.00 Turkey 090420.76 India 0910.10.40 India 1702.30.22 Argentina 1703.90.50 Poland 1806.1022 Colombia 1806.2O22 Turkey 2005.10.00 Tur key 2008.19.30 Pakistan 2106.90.52 EI Salvador 2607.00.00 Per n 3920.63.20 India 5904.92.00 Gu ate ma la ^,, ^ 6814.90.00 India ' 7113.20.29 India ^ 7114.19.00 Pe ru 7801.99.30 Dominican Rqniblic 8517.19.80 Indonesia 8517.90.24 CostaRica 8540.12.10 India