114 STAT. 336 PUBLIC LAW 106-214-JUNE 15, 2000 of the salaries, expenses, and other benefits otherwise authorized by law for members of the American Battle Monuments Commission or other personnel (including detailees) of the American Battle Monuments Commission who carry out this section. "(2) PRIVATE FUNDRAISING AUTHORITY.—The American Battle Monuments Commission shall solicit and accept private contributions for the design, procurement, and installation of the plaque. The American Battle Monuments Commission shall establish an account into which the contributions will be deposited and shall maintain documentation of the contributions. Contributions in excess of the amounts necessary for the design, procurement, and installation of the plaque shall be deposited in the United States Treasury. "(f) VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL DEFINED. — In this section, the term 'Vietnam Veterans Memorial' means the structures and adjacent areas extending to and bounded by the south curb of Constitution Avenue on the north, the east curb of Henry Bacon Drive on the west, the north side of the north Reflecting Pool walkway on the south and a line drawn perpendicular to Constitution Avenue 200 feet from the east tip of the memorial wall on the east (this is also a line extended from the east side of the western concrete border of the steps to the west of the center steps to the Federal Reserve Building extending to the Reflecting pool walkway). This is the same definition used by the National Park Service as of the date of the enactment of this section, as contained in section 7.96(g)(l)(x) of title 36, Code of Federal Regulations.". Approved June 15, 2000. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 3293: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 106-585 (Comm. on Resources). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 146 (2000): May 9, considered and passed House. May 25, considered and passed Senate.