Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/631

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PUBLIC LAW 106-247-^TULY 20, 2000 114 STAT. 595 (5) demonstrates sensitivity to local historic and cultural resources and complies with applicable laws; (6) describes how the project will promote sustainable, effective, long-term programs to conserve neotropical migratory birds; and (7) provides any other information that the Secretary considers to be necessary for evaluating the proposal. (d) PROJECT REPORTING.— Each recipient of assistance for a project under this Act shall submit to the Secretary such periodic reports as the Secretary considers to be necessary. Each report shall include all information required by the Secretary for evaluating the progress and outcome of the project. (e) COST SHARING.— (1) FEDERAL SHARE. —The Federal share of the cost of each project shall be not greater than 25 percent. (2) NON-FEDERAL SHARE. — (A) SOURCE. —The non-Federal share required to be paid for a project shall not be derived from any Federal grant program. (B) FORM OF PAYMENT.— (i) PROJECTS IN THE UNITED STATES.— The non- Federal share required to be paid for a project carried out in the United States shall be paid in cash. (ii) PROJECTS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. — The non- Federal share required to be paid for a project carried out in a foreign country may be paid in cash or in kind. SEC. 6. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. 16 USC 6105. In carrying out this Act, the Secretary shall— (1) develop guidelines for the solicitation of proposals for Guidelines, projects eligible for financial assistance under section 5; (2) encourage submission of proposals for projects eligible for financial assistance under section 5, particularly proposals from relevant wildlife management authorities; (3) select proposals for financial assistance that satisfy the requirements of section 5, giving preference to proposals that address conservation needs not adequately addressed by existing efforts and that are supported by relevant wildlife management authorities; and (4) generally implement this Act in accordance with its purposes. SEC. 7. COOPERATION. 16 USC 6106. (a) IN GENERAL.— In carrying out this Act, the Secretary shall— (1) support and coordinate existing efforts to conserve neotropical migratory bird species, through— (A) facilitating meetings among persons involved in such efforts; (B) promoting the exchange of information among such persons; (C) developing and entering into agreements with other Federal agencies, foreign, State, and local governmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations; and (D) conducting such other activities as the Secretary considers to be appropriate; and