Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/280

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114 STAT. 1162 PUBLIC LAW 106-310—OCT. 17, 2000 (WIC) under section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1786) and the early head start program under section 645A of the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9840a(h)) to respond to ad hoc inquiries and generate progress reports regarding the lead blood level screening of children enrolled in those programs; (D) assist States with the establishment of a capacity for assessing how many children enrolled in the Medicaid, WIC, early head start, and other federally-funded meanstested public benefit programs are being screened for lead poisoning at age-appropriate intervals; (E) use data obtained as result of activities under this section to formulate or revise existing lead blood screening and case management policies; and (F) establish performance measures for evaluating State and local implementation of the requirements and improvements described in subparagraphs (A) through (E). (2) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection such sums as may be necessary for each the fiscal years 2001 through 2005. (3) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This subsection takes effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 2502. GRANTS FOR LEAD POISONING RELATED ACTIVITIES. (a) IN GENERAL. — Part B of title III of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 243 et seq.), as amended by section 1801 of this Act, is amended by inserting after section 317N the following section: "GRANTS FOR LEAD POISONING RELATED ACTIVITIES 42 USC 247b-16. "SEC. 3170. (a) AUTHORITY TO MAKE GRANTS. — "(1) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary shall make grants to States to support public health activities in States and localities where data suggests that at least 5 percent of preschool-age children have an elevated blood lead level through— "(A) effective, ongoing outreach and community education targeted to families most likely to be at risk for lead poisoning; "(B) individual family education activities that are designed to reduce ongoing exposures to lead for children with elevated blood lead levels, including through home visits and coordination with other programs designed to identify and treat children at risk for lead poisoning; and "(C) the development, coordination and implementation of community-based approaches for comprehensive lead poisoning prevention from surveillance to lead hazard control. "(2) STATE MATCH. — ^A State is not eligible for a grant under this section unless the State agrees to expend (through State or local funds) $1 for every $2 provided under the grant to carry out the activities described in paragraph (1). "(3) APPLICATION.— To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, a State shall submit an application to the Secretary in such form and manner and containing such information as the Secretary may require. "(b) COORDINATION WITH OTHER CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS.— A State shall identify in the application for a grant under this section