Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/882

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114 STAT. 1549A-68 PUBLIC LAW 106-387—APPENDIX or condition on caniylng out an agricultural program with respect to a foreign country or foreign entity that is imposed by the United States for reasons of foreign policy or national security, except in a case in which the United States imposes the measure pursuant to— (A) a multilateral regime and the other member countries of that regime have agreed to impose substantially equivalent measures; or (B) a mandatory decision of the United Nations Security Council. (7) UNILATERAL MEDICAL SANCTION.—The term "unilateral medical sanction" means any prohibition, restriction, or condition on exports of, or the provision of assistance consisting of, medicine or a medical device with respect to a foreign country or foreign entity that is imposed by the United States for reasons of foreign policy or national security, except in a case in which the United States imposes the measure pursuant to— (A) a multilateral regime and the other member countries of that regime have agreed to impose substantially equivalent measures; or (B) a mandatory decision of the United Nations Security Council. SEC. 903. RESTRICTION. (a) NEW SANCTIONS.— Except as provided in sections 904 and 905 and notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President may not impose a unilateral agricultural sanction or unilateral medical sanction against a foreign country or foreign entity, unless— (1) not later than 60 days before the sanction is proposed to be imposed, the President submits a report to Congress that— (A) describes the activity proposed to be prohibited, restricted, or conditioned; and (B) describes the actions by the foreign country or foreign entity that justify the sanction; and (2) there is enacted into law a joint resolution stating the approval of Congress for the report submitted under paragraph (1). (b) EXISTING SANCTIONS.— The President shall terminate any unilateral agricultural sanction or unilateral medical sanction that is in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 904. EXCEPTIONS. Section 903 shall not affect any authority or requirement to impose (or continue to impose) a sanction referred to in section 903— (1) against a foreign country or foreign entity— (A) pursuant to a declaration of war against the country or entity; (B) pursuant to specific statutory authorization for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States against the country or entity; (C) against which the Armed Forces of the United States are involved in hostilities; or