Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/939

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PUBLIC LAW 106-391—OCT. 30, 2000 114 STAT. 1577 Public Law 106-391 106th Congress An Act To authorize appropriations for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Oct. 30, 2000 for fiscal years 2000, 2001, and 2002, and for other ptirposes. [H.R. 1654] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, National Aeronautics and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. Space (a) SHORT TITLE. —T his Act may be cited as the "National AuSSlSon" Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2000". Act of 2000 (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.— The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings. Sec. 3. Definitions. TITLE I—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Subtitle A—Authorizations Sec. 101. Human space flight. Sec. 102. Science, aeronautics, and technology. Sec. 103. Mission support. Sec. 104. Inspector general. Sec. 105. Total authorization. Subtitle B—Limitations and Special Authority Sec. 121. Use of funds for construction. Sec. 122. Availability of appropriated amounts. Sec. 123. Reprogramming for construction of facilities. Sec. 124. Use of funds for scientific consultations or extraordinary expenses. Sec. 125. Earth science limitation. Sec. 126. Competitiveness and international cooperation. Sec. 127. Trans-Hab. Sec. 128. Consolidated space operations contract. TITLE II—INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Sec. 201. International Space Station contingency plan. Sec. 202. Cost limitation for the International Space Station. Sec. 203. Research on International Space Station. Sec. 204. Space station commercial development demonstration program. Sec. 205. Space station research utilization and commercialization management. TITLE III—MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 301. Requirement for independent cost analysis. Sec. 302. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 amendments. Sec. 303. Commercial space goods and services. Sec. 304, Cost effectiveness calculations. Sec. 305. Foreign contract limitation. Sec. 306. Authority to reduce or suspend contract payments based on substantial evidence of fraud. Sec. 307. Space shuttle upgrade study. Sec. 308. Aero-space transportation technology integration. Sec. 309. Definitions of commercial space policy terms.