Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/974

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114 STAT. 1612 PUBLIC LAW 106-393—OCT. 30, 2000 by the Forest Service on the Federal lands described in section 3(1)(A) and to the extent of any shortfall, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. (c) DISTRIBUTION AND EXPENDITURE OF PAYMENTS.— (1) DISTRIBUTION METHOD.—A State that receives a pay- ment under subsection (a) shall distribute the payment among all eligible counties in the State in accordance with the Act of May 23, 1908 (16 U.S.C. 500), and section 13 of the Act of March 1, 1911 (36 Stat. 963; 16 U.S.C. 500). (2) EXPENDITURE PURPOSES. —Subject to subsection (d), pay- ments received by a State under subsection (a) and distributed to eligible counties shall be expended as required by the laws referred to in paragraph (1). (d) EXPENDITURE RULES FOR ELIGIBLE COUNTIES.— (1) ALLOCATIONS. — (A) USE OF PORTION IN SAME MANNER AS 25-PERCENT PAYMENTS.— If an eligible county elects to receive its share of the full payment amount, not less than 80 percent, but not more than 85 percent, of the funds shall be expended in the same manner in which the 25-percent payments are required to be expended. (B) ELECTION AS TO USE OF BALANCE. —An eligible county shall elect to do one or more of the following with the balance of the funds not expended pursuant to subparagraph (A): (i) Reserve the balance for projects in accordance with title II. (ii) Reserve the balance for projects in accordance with title III. (iii) Return the balance to the General Treasury in accordance with section 402(b). (2) DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.— (A) TREATMENT OF TITLE II FUNDS. — Funds reserved by an eligible county under paragraph (l)(B)(i) shall be deposited in a special account in the Treasury of the United States and shall be available for expenditure by the Secretary of Agriculture, without further appropriation, and shall remain available until expended in accordance with title II. (B) TREATMENT OF TITLE HI FUNDS.— Funds reserved by an eligible county under paragraph (l)(B)(ii) shall be available for expenditure by the county and shall remain available, until expended, in accordance with title III. (3) ELECTION. — Notification. (A) IN GENERAL.— An eligible county shall notify the Deadline. Secretary of Agriculture of its election under this subsection not later than September 30 of each fiscal year. If the eligible county fails to make an election by that date, the county is deemed to have elected to expend 85 percent of the funds to be received under this section in the same manner in which the 25-percent payments are required to be expended, and shall remit the balance to the Treasury of the United States in accordance with section 402(b). (B) COUNTIES WITH MINOR DISTRIBUTIONS. —Notwithstanding any adjustment made pursuant to section 101(b) in the case of each eligible county to which less than $100,000 is distributed for any fiscal year pursuant to