Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/1064

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114 STAT. 2086 PUBLIC LAW 106-474—NOV. 9, 2000 each sound recording that is selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. 2 USC 1703. SEC. 103. SEAL OF THE NATIONAL RECORDING REGISTRY. (a) IN GENERAL. — The Librarian shall provide a seal to indicate that a sound recording has been included in the National Recording Registry and is the Registry version of that recording. (b) USE OF SEAL.— The Librarian shall establish guidelines for approval of the use of the seal provided under subsection (a), and shall include in the guidelines the following: (1) The seal may only be used on recording copies of the Registry version of a sound recording. (2) The seal may be used only after the Librarian has given approval to those persons seeking to apply the seal in accordance with the guidelines. (3) In the case of copyrighted mass distributed, broadcast, or published works, only the copjn-ight legal owner or an authorized licensee of that cop3n:ight owner may place or authorize the placement of the seal on any recording copy of the Registry version of any sound recording that is maintained in the National Recording Registry Collection in the Library of Congress. (4) Anyone authorized to place the seal on any recording copy of any Registry version of a sound recording may accompany such seal with the following language: "This sound recording is selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry by the Librarian of Congress in consultation with the National Recording Preservation Board of the Library of Congress because of its cultural, historical, or aesthetic significance.". (c) EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE SEAL. —The use of the seal provided under subsection (a) with respect to a sound recording shall be effective beginning on the date the Librarian publishes in the Federal Register (in accordance with section 102(b)) the name of the recording, as selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. (d) PROHIBITED USES OF THE SEAL. — (1) PROHIBITION ON DISTRIBUTION AND EXHIBITION. —No person may knowingly distribute or exhibit to the public a version of a sound recording or any copy of a sound recording which bears the seal described in subsection (a) if such recording— (A) is not included in the National Recording Registry; or (B) is included in the National Recording Registry but has not been approved for use of the seal by the Librarian pursuant to the guidelines established under subsection (b). (2) PROHIBITION ON PROMOTION.— No person may knowingly use the seal described in subsection (a) to promote any version of a sound recording or recording copy other than a Registry version. (e) REMEDIES FOR VIOLATIONS.— (1) JURISDICTION. — The several district courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction, for cause shown, to prevent and restrain violations of subsection (d). (2) RELIEF.—