Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/181

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-139 (3) In conducting the test program, the Secretary of Defense shall expand the current Joint Reserve Intelligence Program as needed to meet the objectives of the test program. (b) OVERSIGHT PANEL. —The Secretary shall establish an oversight panel to structure the test program so as to achieve the objectives of the test program, ensure proper funding for the test program, and oversee the conduct and evaluation of the test program. The panel members shall include— (1) the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence; (2) the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs; and (3) representatives from the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the Joint Staff, and the combatant commands. (c) TEST PROGRAM OBJECTIVES.— The test program shall have the following objectives: (1) To identify the range of peacetime roles and missions that are appropriate for reserve component intelligence units and personnel, including the following missions: counterdrug, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, information operations, information warfare, and other emerging threats. (2) To recommend a process for justifying and validating reserve component intelligence force structure and manpower to support the peacetime roles and missions identified under paragraph (1) and to establish a means to coordinate and transition that peacetime operational support network and structure into wartime requirements. (3) To provide, pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), the ,.: basis for new or revised intelligence and reserve component policy guidelines for the peacetime use, organization, management, infrastructure, and funding of reserve component intelligence units and personnel. (4) To determine the most effective structure, organization, manning, and management of Joint Reserve Intelligence Centers to enable them to be both reserve training facilities and virtual collaborative production facilities in support of Department of Defense peacetime operational intelligence requirements. (5) To determine the most effective uses of technology for virtual collaborative intelligence operational support during peacetime and wartime. (6) To determine personnel and career management initiatives or modifications that are required to improve the recruiting and retention of personnel in the reserve component intelligence specialties and occupational skills. (7) To identify and make recommendations for the elimination of statutory prohibitions and barriers to using reserve component intelligence units and individuals to carry out peacetime operational requirements. (d) REPORTS.— The Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress— (1) interim reports on the status of the test program not later than July 1, 2002, and July 1, 2003; and (2) a final report, with such recommendations for changes •' as the Secretary considers necessary, not later than December 1, 2004.