Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/565

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PUBLIC LAW 106-399—OCT. 30, 2000 114 STAT. 1663 (B) be managed pursuant to the laws applicable to the Cooperative Management and Protection Area. (2) LANDS WITHIN WILDERNESS AREA. —If lands or interests in lands acquired under subsection (a) or title VI are within the boundaries of the Wilderness Area, the acquired lands or interests in lands shall— (A) become part of the Wilderness Area; and (B) be managed pursuant to title II and the other laws applicable to the Wilderness Area. (3) LANDS WITHIN WILDERNESS STUDY AREA. — If the lands or interests in lands acquired under subsection (a) or title VI are within the boundaries of a wilderness study area, the acquired lands or interests in lands shall— (A) become part of that wilderness study area; and (B) be managed pursuant to the laws applicable to that wilderness study area. (c) APPRAISAL.— In appraising non-Federal land, development rights, or conservation easements for possible acquisition under this section or section 122, the Secretary shall disregard any adverse impacts on values resulting from the designation of the Cooperative Management and Protection Area or the Wilderness Area. SEC. 115. SPECIAL USE PERMITS. The Secretary may renew a special recreational use permit applicable to lands included in the Wilderness Area to the extent that the Secretary determines that the permit is consistent with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.). If renewal is not consistent with the Wilderness Act, the Secretary shall seek other opportunities for the permit holder through modification of the permit to realize historic permit use to the extent that the use is consistent with the Wilderness Act and this Act, as determined by the Secretary. Subtitle C—Cooperative Management 16 USC 460imn-25. SEC. 121. COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTS. (a) COOPERATIVE EFFORTS. —To further the purposes and objectives for which the Cooperative Management and Protection Area is designated, the Secretary may work with non-Federal landowners and other parties who voluntarily agree to participate in the cooperative management of Federal and non-Federal lands in the Cooperative Management and Protection Area. (b) AGREEMENTS AUTHORIZED.— The Secretary may enter into a cooperative management agreement with any party to provide for the cooperative conservation and management of the Federal and non-Federal lands subject to the agreement. (c) OTHER PARTICIPANTS. —With the consent of the landowners involved, the Secretary may permit permittees, special-use permit holders, other Federal and State agencies, and interested members of the public to participate in a cooperative management agreement as appropriate to aclueve the resource or land use management objectives of the agreement. (d) TRIBAL CULTURAL SITE PROTECTION. — The Secretary may enter into agreements with the Bums Paiute Tribe to protect cultural sites in the Cooperative Management and Protection Area of importance to the tribe. 16 USC 460im:Q-41.