Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/626

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114 STAT. 1724 PUBLIC LAW 106-402—OCT. 30, 2000 review, the group may conduct onsite visits or inspections of related activities as necessary. (2) ESTABLISHMENT OF PEER REVIEW GROUPS.— (A) IN GENERAL.— ^The Secretary, acting through the Commissioner of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, may, notwithstanding— (i) the provisions of title 5, United States Code, concerning appointments to the competitive service; and (ii) the provisions of chapter 51, and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code, concerning classification and General Schedule pay rates; establish such peer review groups and appoint and set the rates of pay of members of such groups. (B) COMPOSITION.— Each peer review group shall include such individuals with disabilities and parents, guardians, or advocates of or for individuals with developmental disabilities, as are necessary to carry out this subsection. (3) WAIVERS OF APPROVAL.—The Secretary may waive the provisions of paragraph (1) with respect to review and approval of an application if the Secretary determines that exceptional circumstances warrant such a waiver. (d) FEDERAL SHARE. — (1) IN GENERAL. —^The Federal share of the cost of administration or operation of a Center, or the cost of carrying out a training initiative, supported by a grant made under this subtitle may not be more than 75 percent of the necessary cost of such project, as determined by the Secretary. (2) URBAN OR RURAL POVERTY AREAS.—In the case of a project whose activities or products target individuals with developmental disabilities who live in an urban or rural poverty area, as determined by the Secretary, the Federal share of the cost of the project may not be more than 90 percent of the necessary costs of the project, as determined by the Secretary. (3) GRANT EXPENDITURES. —For the purpose of determining the Federal share with respect to the project, expenditures on that project by a political subdivision of a State or by a public or private entity shall, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe under section 104(b), be considered to be expenditures made by a Center under this subtitle. (e) ANNUAL REPORT. —Each Center shall annually prepare and transmit to the Secretary a report containing— (1) information on progress made in achieving the projected goals of the Center for the previous year, including— (A) the extent to which the goals were achieved; (B) a description of the strategies that contributed to achieving the goals; (C) to the extent to which the goals were not achieved, a description of factors that impeded the achievement; and (D) an accounting of the manner in which funds paid to the Center under this subtitle for a fiscal year were expended; (2) information on proposed revisions to the goals; and