Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/694

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114 STAT. 1792 PUBLIC LAW 106-411 —NOV. 1, 2000 to the availability of funds, the Secretary, after consulting with other appropriate Federal officials, shall— (A) consult on the proposal with the government of each country in which the project is to be conducted; (B) after taking into consideration any comments resulting from the consultation, approve or disapprove the proposal; and (C) provide written notification of the approval or disapproval to the person who submitted the proposal, other appropriate Federal officials, and each country described in subparagraph (A). (d) CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL. — ^The Secretary may approve a project proposal under this section if the project will enhance programs for conservation of great apes by assisting efforts to— (1) implement conservation programs; (2) address the conflicts between humans and great apes that arise from competition for the same habitat; (3) enhance compliance with CITES and other applicable laws that prohibit or regulate the taking or trade of great apes or regulate the use and management of great ape habitat; (4) develop sound scientific information on, or methods for monitoring— (A) the condition and health of great ape habitat; (B) great ape population numbers and trends; or (C) the current and projected threats to the habitat, current and projected numbers, or current and projected trends; or (5) promote cooperative projects on the issues described in paragraph (4) among government entities, affected local communities, nongovernmental organizations, or other persons in the private sector. (e) PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY. — To the maximum extent practicable, in determining whether to approve project proposals under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to conservation projects that are designed to ensure effective, long-term conservation of great apes and their habitats. (f) MATCHING FUNDS. — In determining whether to approve project proposals under this section, the Secretary shall give pref- erence to projects for which matching funds are available. (g) PROJECT REPORTING. — (1) IN GENERAL.— Each person that receives assistance under this section for a project shall submit to the Secretary periodic reports (at such intervals as the Secretary considers necessary) that include all information that the Secretary, after consultation with other appropriate government officials, determines is necessary to evaluate the progress and success of the project for the purposes of ensuring positive results, assessing problems, and fostering improvements. (2) AVAILABILITY TO THE PUBLIC.— Reports under paragraph (1), and any other documents relating to projects for which financial assistance is provided under this Act, shall be made available to the public. (h) LIMITATIONS ON USE FOR CAPTIVE BREEDING.— ^Amounts provided as a grant under this Act— (1) may not be used for captive breeding of great apes other than for captive breeding for release into the wild; and