Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/738

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114 STAT. 1836 PUBLIC LAW 106-419—NOV. 1, 2000 "(B) The organization or entity is licensed, chartered, or incorporated in a State and has offered the test for a minimum of two years before the date on which the organization or entity first submits to the Secretary an apphcation for approval under this section. "(C) The organization or entity employs, or consults with, individuals with expertise or substantial experience with respect to all areas of knowledge or skill that are measured by the test and that are required for the license or certificate issued. "(D) The organization or entity has no direct financial interest in— "(i) the outcome of the test; or "(ii) organizations that provide the education or training of candidates for licenses or certificates required for vocations or professions. "(E) The organization or entity maintains appropriate records with respect to all candidates who take the test for a period prescribed by the Secretary, but in no case for a period of less than three years. "(F)(i) The organization or entity promptly issues notice of the results of the test to the candidate for the license or certificate. "(ii) The orgemization or entity has in place a process to review complaints submitted against the organization or entity with respect to the test or the process for obtaining a license or certificate required for vocations or professions. "(G) The organization or entity furnishes to the Secretary such information with respect to the test as the Secretary requires to determine whether pa5anent may be made for the test xmder chapter 30, 32, 34, or 35 of this title, including personal identifying information, fee payment, and test results. Such information shall be fiimished in the form prescribed by the Secretary. "(H) The organization or entity furnishes to the Secretary the following information: "(i) A description of the licensing or certification test offered by the organization or entity, including the purpose of the test, the vocational, professional, governmental, and other entities that recognize the test, and the license or certificate issued upon successful completion of the test, "(ii) The requirements to take the test, including the amount of the fee charged for the test and any prerequisite education, training, skills, or other certification. "(iii) The period for which the license or certificate awarded upon successful completion of the test is valid, and the requirements for maintaining or renewing the license or certificate. "(I) Upon request of the Secretary, the organization or entity furnishes such information to the Secretary that the Secretary determines necessary to perform an assessment of— "(i) the test conducted by the organization or entity as compared to the level of knowledge or skills that a license or certificate attests; and "(ii) the applicability of the test over such periods of time as the Secretary determines appropriate.