Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/89

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-47 Secretary shall complete the review not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) MATTERS TO BE REVIEWED.— The review shall include the following: (1) An assessment of the budgetary resources that are being used for fiscal year 2001 for addressing the long-term challenges and the short-term objectives of the Air Force science and technology programs. (2) The budgetary resources that are necessary to address those challenges and objectives adequately. (3) A course of action for each projected or ongoing Air Force science and technology program that does not address either the long-term challenges or the short-term objectives. (4) The matters required under subsection (c)(5) and (d)(6). (c) LONG-TERM CHALLENGES.— (1) The Secretary of the Air Force shall establish an integrated product team to identify highrisk, high-payoff challenges that will provide a long-term focus and motivation for the Air Force science and technology programs over the next 20 to 50 years following the enactment of this Act. The integrated product team shall include representatives of the Office of Scientific Research and personnel from the Air Force Research Laboratory. (2) The team shall solicit views from the entire Air Force science and technology community on the matters under consideration by the team. (3) The team— (A) shall select for consideration science and technology challenges that involve— (i) compelling requirements of the Air Force; (ii) high-risk, high-payoff areas of exploration; and (iii) very difficult, but probably achievable, results; and (B) should not select a linear extension of any ongoing Air Force science and technology program for consideration as a science and technology challenge under subparagraph (A). (4) The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology, and Engineering shall designate a technical coordinator and a management coordinator for each science and technology challenge identified pursuant to this subsection. Each technical coordinator shall have sufficient expertise in fields related to the challenge to be able to identify other experts in such fields and to affirm the credibility of the challenge. The coordinator for a science and technology challenge shall conduct workshops within the relevant scientific and technological community to obtain suggestions for possible approaches to addressing the challenge and to identify ongoing work that addresses the challenge, deficiencies in current work relating to the challenge, and promising areas of research. (5) In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary of the Air Force shall review the science and technology challenges identified pursuant to this subsection and, for each such challenge, at a minimum— (A) consider the results of the workshops conducted pursuant to paragraph (4); and (B) identify any work not currently funded by the Air Force that should be performed to meet the challenge. (d) SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVES.— (1) The Secretary of the Air Force shall establish a task force to identify short-term technological