Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/891

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PUBLIC LAW 106-434—NOV. 6, 2000 114 STAT. 1913 the United States for any and all liability to General Telephone and Electronics Corporation (also known as "GTE") KATY, and any third party that is associated with the parcel, including liability for any buildings or personal property on the parcel belonging to GTE and any other third parties. (h) TREATMENT OF RECEIPTS. — All funds received pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the fund established under Public Law 90-171 (16 U.S.C. 484a; commonly known as the Sisk Act), and the funds shall remain available to the Secretary, until expended, for the acquisition of lands, waters, and interests in land for the inclusion in the San Bernardino National Forest. (i) RECEIPTS ACT AMENDMENT. — The Act of June 15, 1938 (Chapter 438:52 Stat. 699), as amended by the Acts of May 26, 1944 (58 Stat. 227), is further amended— (1) by striking the comma after the words "Secretary of Agriculture"; (2) by striking the words "with the approval of the National Forest Reservation Commission established by section 4 of the Act of March 1, 1911 (16 U.S.C. 513),"; (3) by inserting the words ", real property or interests in lands," after the word "lands" the first time it is used; (4) by striking "San Bernardino and Cleveland" and inserting "San Bernardino, Cleveland and Los Angeles"; (5) by striking "county of Riverside" each place it appears and inserting "counties of Riverside and San Bernardino"; (6) by striking "as to minimize soil erosion and flood damage" and inserting "for National Forest System purposes"; and (7) after the "Provided further. That", by striking the remainder of the sentence to the end of the paragraph, and inserting "twelve and one-half percent of the monies otherwise payable to the State of California for the benefit of San Bernardino County under the aforementioned Act of March 1, 1911 (16 U.S.C. 500) shall be available to be appropriated for expenditure in furtherance of this Act.". SEC. 2. SANTA ROSA AND SAN JACINTO MOUNTAINS NATIONAL MONU- MENT CLARIFYING AMENDMENTS. The Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Act of 2000 is amended as follows: (1) In the second sentence of section 2(d)(1), by striking Ante, p. 1362. "and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry". (2) In the second sentence of section 4(a)(3), by striking "Nothing in this section" and inserting "Nothing in this Act". (3) In section 4(c)(1), by striking "any person, including". Ante, p. 1364. (4) In section 5, by adding at the end the following: Ante, p. 1365. "(j) WILDERNESS PROTECTION.— Nothing in this Act alters the management of any areas designated as Wilderness which are within the boundaries of the National Monument. All such areas shall remain subject to the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), the laws designating such areas as Wilderness, and other applicable laws. If any part of this Act conflicts with any provision of those laws with respect to the management of the Wilderness areas, such provision shall control.". SEC. 3. TECHNICAL CORRECTION. The Santo Domingo Pueblo Claims Settlement Act of 2000 is amended by adding at the end: