Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/141

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PUBLIC LAW 106-487—NOV. 9, 2000 114 STAT. 2203 (F) Grant's landing site at Bruinsburg, and the route of Grant's march from Bruinsburg to Vicksburg, Claiborne, Hinds, and Warren Counties, Mississippi; (G) the battlefield at Port Gibson (including Shaifer House, Bethel Church, and the ruins of Windsor), Claiborne County, Mississippi; (H) the battlefield at Grand Gulf, Claiborne County, Mississippi; (I) the battlefield at Raymond (including Waverly (the Pe5^on House)), Hinds County, Mississippi; (J) the battlefield at Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi; (K) the Union siege lines around Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi; (L) the battlefield at Champion Hill (including Coker House), Hinds County, Mississippi; (M) the battlefield at Big Black River Bridge, Hinds and Warren Counties, Mississippi; (N) the Union fortifications at Haynes Bluff, Confederate fortifications at Snyder's Bluff", and remnants of Federal exterior lines, Warren County, Mississippi; (O) the battlefield at Chickasaw Bayou, Warren County, Mississippi; (P) Pemberton's Headquarters at Warren County, Mississippi; (Q) the site of actions taken in the Mississippi Delta and Confederate fortifications near Grenada, Grenada County, Mississippi; (R) the site of the start of Greirson's Raid and other related sites, LaGrange, Tennessee; and (S) any other sites considered appropriate by the Secretary. (3) SECRETARY.— The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the National Park Service. SEC. 4. FEASIBILITY STUDY. (a) IN GENERAL. —Not later than 3 years after funds are made Deadline, available for this Act, the Secretary shall complete a feasibility study to determine what measures should be taken to preserve Civil War battlefields along the Vicksburg Campaign Trail. (b) COMPONENTS.—In completing the study, the Secretary shall— (1) review current National Park Service programs, policies and criteria to determine the most appropriate means of ensuring the Civil War battlefields and associated natural, cultural, and historical resources are preserved; (2) evaluate options for the establishment of a management entity for the Civil War battlefields consisting of a unit of government or a private nonprofit organization that— (A) administers and manages the Civil War battlefields; and (B) possesses the legal authority to— (i) receive Federal funds and funds from other units of government or other organizations for use in managing the Civil War battlefields;