Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/159

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PUBLIC LAW 106-498—NOV. 9, 2000 114 STAT. 2221 Public Law 106-498 106th Congress An Act To authorize the Bureau of Reclamation to conduct certain feasibility studies to augment water supplies for the Klamath Project, Oregon and California, and Nov. 9, 2000 Act of 2000. for other piuposes. [S. 2882] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Klamath Basin Water Supply SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Enhancement This Act may be cited as the "Klamath Basin Water Supply Enhancement Act of 2000". SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT FEASIBILITY STUDIES. In order to help meet the growing water needs in the Klamath River Basin, to improve water quality, to facilitate the efforts of the State of Oregon to resolve water rights claims in the Upper Klamath River Basin including facilitation of Klamath tribal water rights claims, and to reduce conflicts over water between the Upper and Lower Klamath Basins, the Secretary of the Interior (hereafter referred to as the "Secretar)^') is authorized and directed, in consultation with affected State, local and tribal interests, stakeholder groups and the interested public, to engage in feasibility studies of the following proposals related to the Upper Klamath Basin and the Klamath Project, a Federal reclamation project in Oregon and California: (1) Increasing the storage capacity, and/or the yield of the Klamath Project facilities while improving water quality, consistent with the protection offish and wildlife. (2) The potential for development of additional Klamath Basin groundwater supplies to improve water quantity and quality, including the effect of such groundwater development on nonproject lands, groundwater and surface water supplies, and fish and wildlife. (3) The potential for further innovations in the use of existing water resources, or market-based approaches, in order to meet growing water needs consistent with State water law. SEC. 3. ADDITIONAL STUDIES. (a) NONPROJECT LANDS.—The Secretary may enter into an agreement with the Oregon Department of Water Resources to fund studies relating to the water supply needs of nonproject lands in the Upper Klamath Basin. (b) SURVEYS.— To further the purposes of this Act, the Secretary is authorized to compile information on native fish species in the Upper Klamath River Basin, upstream of Upper Klamath Lake.