Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/220

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114 STAT. 2282 PUBLIC LAW 106-501—NOV. 13, 2000 "(1) the number of persons served, with particular consideration given to individuals with greatest economic need, greatest social need, or poor employment history or prospects, and individuals who are over the age of 60; "(2) community services provided; "(3) placement into and retention in unsubsidized public or private employment; "(4) satisfaction of the enrollees, employers, and their host agencies with their experiences and the services provided; and "(5) any additional indicators of performance that the Secretary determines to be appropriate to evaluate services and performance. "(c) DEFINITIONS OF INDICATORS.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary, after consultation with national and State grantees, representatives of business and labor organizations, and providers of services, shall, by regulation, issue definitions of the indicators of performance described in subsection (b). "(2) DEFINITIONS OF CERTAIN TERMS.— In this section: " (A) PLACEMENT INTO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UNSUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT. —The term 'placement into public or private unsubsidized employment' means full- or part-time paid employment in the public or private sector by an enrollee under this title for 30 days within a 90-day period without the use of funds under this title or any other Federal or State employment subsidy program, or the equivalent of such employment as measured by the earnings of an enrollee through the use of wage records or other appropriate methods. " (B) RETENTION IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UNSUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT. — The term 'retention in public or private unsubsidized employment' means full- or part-time paid employment in the public or private sector by an enrollee under this title for 6 months after the starting date of placement into unsubsidized emplo3ment without the use of funds under this title or any other Federal or State employment subsidy program. "(d) CORRECTIVE EFFORTS. —A State or other grantee that does not achieve the established levels of performance on the performance measures shall submit to the Secretary, for approval, a plan of correction as described in subsection (e) or (f) of section 514 to achieve the established levels of performance. 42 USC 3056I. "SEC. 514. COMPETITIVE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO GRANT AWARDS. "(a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. —In accordance with section 502(b), the Secretary shall award grants to eligible applicants to carry out projects under this title for a period of 1 year, except that, after the promulgation of regulations for this title and the establishment of the performance measures required by section 513(a), the Secretary shall award grants for a period of not to exceed 3 years. "(b) ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS. — An applicant shall be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a) in accordance with section 502(b)(1), and subsections (c) and (d). " (c) CRITERIA.—The Secretary shall select the eligible applicants to receive grants under subsection (a) based on the following: