Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/275

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PUBLIC LAW 106-505—NOV. 13, 2000 114 STAT. 2337 a chaotic rhythm that prevents the heart from pumping oxygen to the victim's brain and body. (7) Communities that have implemented programs ensuring widespread public access to defibrillators, combined with appropriate training, maintenance, arid coordination with local emergency medical systems, have dramatically improved the survival rates from cardiac arrest. (8) Automated external defibrillator devices have been demonstrated to be safe and effective, even when used by lay people, since the devices are designed not to allow a user to administer a shock until after the device has analyzed a victim's heart rhythm and determined that an electric shock is required. (9) Increasing public awareness regarding automated external defibrillator devices and encouraging their use in Federal buildings will greatly facilitate their adoption. (10) Limiting the liability of Good Samaritans and acquirers of automated external defibrillator devices in emergency situations may encourage the use of automated external defibrillator devices, and result in saved lives. SEC. 403. RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES OF SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES REGARDING AUTO- MATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS FOR FEDERAL BUILDINGS. Part B of title II of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 238 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: "R ECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES REGARDING AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS FOR FEDERAL BUILDINGS " SEC. 247. (a) GUIDELINES ON PLACEMENT.—The Secretary shall 42 USC 238p. establish guidelines with respect to placing automated external defibrillator devices in Federal buildings. Such guidelines shall take into account the extent to which such devices may be used by lay persons, the typical number of employees and visitors in the buildings, the extent of the need for security measures regarding the buildings, buildings or portions of buildings in which there are special circumstances such as high electrical voltage or extreme heat or cold, and such other factors as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. "(b) RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS.—The Secretary shall publish Federal Register, in the Federal Register the recommendations of the Secretary on publication, the appropriate implementation of the placement of automated external defibrillator devices under subsection (a), including procedures for the following: "(1) Implementing appropriate training courses in the use of such devices, including the role of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. "(2) Proper maintenance and testing of the devices. "(3) Ensuring coordination with appropriate licensed professionals in the oversight of training of the devices. "(4) Ensuring coordination with local emergency medical systems regarding the placement and incidents of use of the devices. "(c) CONSULTATIONS; CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN REC- OMMENDATIONS.— In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall— "(1) consult with appropriate public and private entities;