Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/312

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114 STAT. 2374 PUBLIC LAW 106-511—NOV. 13, 2000 (4) There is a national interest in protecting and preserving sites of historical significance associated with the Civil War and the City of Richmond. (5) The Commonwealth of Virginia and its local units of government have authority to prevent or minimize adverse uses of these historic resources and can play a significant role in the protection of the historic resources related to the campaigns against and in defense of Richmond. (6) The preservation of the New Market Heights Battlefield in the vicinity of the City of Richmond is an important aspect of American history that can be interpreted to the public. The Battle of New Market Heights represents a premier landmark in black military history as 14 black Union soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor in recognition of their valor during the battle. According to National Park Service historians, the sacrifices of the United States Colored Troops in this battle helped to ensure the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution to abolish slavery. (b) PURPOSE. —It is the purpose of this title— (1) to revise the boundaries for the Richmond National Battlefield Park based on the findings of the Civil War Sites Advisory Committee and the National Park Service; and (2) to direct the Secretary of the Interior to work in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of Richmond, other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth, other public entities, and the private sector in the management, protection, and interpretation of the resources associated with the Civil War and the Civil War battles in and around the City of Richmond, Virginia. Vii^nia. SEC. 503. RICHMOND NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD PARK; BOUNDARIES. 161ISO 42SZ ^ (a) ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE. —For the purpose of protecting, managing, and interpreting the resources associated with the Civil War battles in and around the City of Richmond, Virginia, there is established the Richmond National Battlefield Park consisting of approximately 7,307 acres of land, as generally depicted on the map entitled "Richmond National Battlefield Park Boundary Revision", numbered 367N.E.F.A.80026A, and dated September 2000. The map shall be on file in the appropriate offices of the National Park Service. (b) BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS.— The Secretary may make minor adjustments in the boundaries of the battlefield park consistent with section 7(c) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 4601-9(c)). 16 USC 423Z-4. SEC. 504. LAND ACQUISITION. (a) ACQUISITION AUTHORITY.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may acquire lands, waters, and interests in lands within the boundaries of the battlefield park from willing landowners by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, or exchange. In acquiring lands and interests in lands under this title, the Secretary shall acquire the minimum interest necessary to achieve the purposes for which the battlefield is established. (2) SPECIAL RULE FOR PRIVATE LANDS.— Privately owned lands or interests in lands may be acquired under this title only with the consent of the owner.