Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/385

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PUBLIC LAW 106-522—NOV. 22, 2000 114 STAT. 2447 of the maximum rate of compensation which may be paid to such individual during fiscal year 2001 under section 102 of such Act, as determined by the Comptroller General (as described in GAG letter report B-279095.2): Provided further. That none of the funds contained in this Act or any other funds available to the Authority or any other entity of the District of Columbia government from any source (including any accounts of the Authority) may be used for any payments (inclu(fing but not limited to severance or bonus payments, and payments under agreements in effect before the enactment of tMs Act) to any individual upon or following the individual's separation from employment with the Authority (other than a payment of the individual's regular salary for services performed prior to separation or a payment for unused annual leave accrued by the individual), except that an individual who is employed by the Authority during the entire period which begins on the date of the enactment of this Act and ends on September 30, 2001, may receive a severance payment after such date in an aggregate amount which does not exceed the product of 200 percent of the individual's average weekly salary during the final 12-month period (or portion thereof) during which the individual was employed by the Authority and the number of full years during which the individual was employed by the Authority. GOVERNMENTAL DIRECTION AND SUPPORT Governmental direction and support, $195,771,000 (including $162,172,000 from local funds, $20,424,000 from Federal funds, and $13,175,000 from other funds): Provided, That not to exceed $2,500 for the Mayor, $2,500 for the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, and $2,500 for the City Administrator shall be available from this appropriation for official purposes: Provided further, That any program fees collected from the issuance of debt shall be available for the payment of expenses of the debt management program of the District of Columbia: Provided further, That no revenues from Federal sources shall be used to support the operations or activities of the Statehood Commission and Statehood Compact Commission: Provided further. That the District of Columbia shall identify the sources of funding for Admission to Statehood from its own locally-generated revenues: Provided further. That all employees permanently assigned to work in the Office of the Mayor shall be paid from funds allocated to the Office of the Mayor: Provided further. That notwithstanding any other provision of law, or Mayor's Order 86-45, issued March 18, 1986, the Office of the Chief Technology Officer's delegated small purchase authority shall be $500,000: Provided further, That the District of Columbia government may not require the Office of the Chief Technology Officer to submit to any other procurement review process, or to obtain the approval of or be restricted in any manner by any official or employee of the District of Columbia government, for purchases that do not exceed $500,000: Provided further, That $303,000 and no fewer than 5 FTEs shall be available exclusively to support the Labor-Management Partnership Council: Provided further. That, effective September 30, 2000, section 168(a) of the Effective date. District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000 (Public Law 106- 113; 113 Stat. 1531) is amended by inserting ", to remain available until expended," after "$5,000,000": Provided further. That not later Deadline, than March 1, 2001, the Chief Financial Officer of the District Study. 79-194O-00 -13:QL3Part4