114 STAT. 2542 PUBLIC LAW 106-532—NOV. 22, 2000 7 USC 1637b. "SEC. 273. MANDATORY REPORTING FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS. " (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish a program of mandatory dairy product information reporting that will— "(1) provide timely, accurate, and reliable market information; "(2) facilitatfe more informed marketing decisions; and "(3) promote competition in the dairy product manufacturing industry. " (b) REQUIREMENTS.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — In establishing the program, the Secretary shall only— "(A)(i) subject to the conditions described in paragraph (2), require each manufacturer to report to the Secretary information concerning the price, quantity, and moisture content of dairy products sold by the manufacturer; and "(ii) modify the format used to provide the information on the day before the date of enactment of this subtitle to ensure that the information can be readily understood by market participants; and "(B) require each manufacturer and other person storing dairy products to report to the Secretary, at a periodic interval determined by the Secretary, information on the quantity of dairy products stored. "(2) CONDITIONS.—The conditions referred to in paragraph (l)(A)(i) are that— "(A) the information referred to in paragraph (l)(A)(i) is required only with respect to those package sizes actually used to establish minimum prices for Class III or Class IV milk under a Federal milk marketing order; "(B) the information referred to in paragraph (l)(A)(i) is required only to the extent that the information is actually used to establish minimum prices for Class III or Class IV milk under a Federal milk marketing order; "(C) the frequency of the required reporting under paragraph (l)(A)(i) does not exceed the frequency used to establish minimum prices for Class III or Class IV milk under a Federal milk marketing order; and "(D) the Secretary may exempt from all reporting requirements any manufacturer that processes and markets less than 1,000,000 pounds of dairy products per year. " (c) ADMINISTRATION. — Regulations. " (1) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary shall promulgate such regulations as are necessary to ensure compliance with, and otherwise carry out, this subtitle. "(2) CONFIDENTIALITY.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— Except as otherwise directed by the Secretary or the Attorney General for enforcement purposes, no officer, employee, or agent of the United States shall make available to the public information, statistics, or documents obtained from or submitted by any person under this subtitle other than in a manner that ensures that confidentiality is preserved regarding the identity of persons, including parties to a contract, and proprietary business information. " (B) RELATION TO OTHER REQUIREMENTS.— Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no facts or information