Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/486

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114 STAT. 2548 PUBLIC LAW 106-533—NOV. 22, 2000 "(II) community leaders, such as elected or appointed officials; and "(III) arts organizations or institutions in the community that partner with the school; and "(ii) the completed application for the award signed by the principal or other education leader such as a school district arts coordinator, school board member, or school superintendent; "(D) determine appropriate methods for disseminating information about the program and make application forms available to schools; "(E) delineate such roles as the Board considers to be appropriate for the Director in administering the program, and set forth in the bylaws of the Board the duties, salary, and benefits of the Director; "(F) raise funds for the operation of the program; "(G) determine, and inform Congress regarding, the national readiness for interdisciplinary individual student awards described in paragraph (2), on the basis of the framework established in the 1997 National Assessment of Educational Progress and such other criteria as the Board determines appropriate; and "(H) take such other actions as may be appropriate for the administration of the Congressional Recognition for Excellence in Arts Education Awards Program. "(2) STUDENT AWARDS. — "(A) IN GENERAL.—At such time as the Board determines appropriate, the Board— "(i) shall make annual awards to elementary school and secondary school students for individual interdisciplinary arts achievement; and "(ii) establish criteria for the making of the awards. "(B) AWARD MODEL.—The Board may use as a model for the awards the Congressional Award Program and the President's Physical Fitness Award Program. "(c) PRESENTATION.—The Board shall arrange for the presentation of awards under this section to the recipients and shall provide for participation by Members of Congress in such presentation, when appropriate. "(d) DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT. —The Board shall determine an appropriate date or dates for announcement of the awards under this section, which date shall coincide with a National Arts Education Month or a similarly designated day, week or month, if such designation exists. "(e) REPORT.— Deadline. "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Board shall prepare and submit an annual report to Congress not later than March 1 of each year summarizing the activities of the Congressional Recognition for Excellence in Arts Education Awards Program during the previous year and making appropriate recommendations for the program. Any minority views and recommendations of members of the Board shall be included in such reports. "(2) CONTENTS.— The annual report shall contain the following: