Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/552

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114 STAT. 2614 PUBLIC LAW 106-541—DEC. 11, 2000 (3) ensure that dredged material from Long Island Sound that is treated under the demonstration project is disposed of by beneficial reuse, by open water disposal, or at a licensed waste facility, as appropriate; and (4) ensure that the demonstration project is consistent with the findings and requirements of any draft environmental impact statement on the designation of 1 or more dredged material disposal sites in Long Island Sound that is scheduled for completion in 2001. (c) NON-FEDERAL SHARE. —The non-Federal share of the cost of each project carried out under the demonstration program authorized by this section shall be 35 percent. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— T here is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $20,000,000. 33 USC 59bb-l. SEC. 346. DECLARATION OF NONNAVIGABILITY FOR LAKE ERIE, NEW YORK. (a) AREA TO BE DECLARED NONNAVIGABLE; PUBLIC INTEREST. — Unless the Secretary finds, after consultation with local and regional public officials (including local and regional public planning organizations), that the proposed projects to be undertaken within the boundaries in the portion of Erie County, New York, described in subsection (b), are not in the public interest then, subject to subsection (c), those portions of such county that were once part of Lake Erie and are now filled are declared to be nonnavigable waters of the United States. (b) BOUNDARIES. — The portion of Erie County, New York, referred to in subsection (a) is all that tract or parcel of land, situated in the town of Hamburg and the city of Lackawanna, Erie County, New York, being part of Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of the Ogden Gore Tract and part of Lots 23, 24, and 36 of the Buffalo Creek Reservation, Township 10, Range 8 of the Holland Land Compan/s Survey and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly highway boundary of Hamburg Turnpike (66.0 feet wide), said point being 547.89 feet South 19°36'46" East from the intersection of the westerly highway boundary of Hamburg Turnpike (66.0 feet wide) and the northerly line of the City of Lackawanna (also being the southerly line of the City of Buffalo); thence South 1936'46" East along the westerly highway boundary of Hamburg Turnpike (66.0 feet wide) a distance of 628.41 feet; thence along the westerly highway boundary of Hamburg Turnpike as appropriated by the New York State Department of Public Works as shown on Map No. 40-R2, Parcel No. 44 the following 20 courses and distances: (1) South 10°00'07 " East a distance of 164.30 feet; (2) South 18°40'45" East a distance of 355.00 feet; (3) South 71°23'35" West a distance of 2.00 feet; (4) South 18°40'45" East a distance of 223.00 feet; (5) South 22°29'36" East a distance of 150.35 feet; (6) South 18°40'45" East a distance of 512.00 feet; (7) South 16°49'53" East a distance of 260.12 feet; (8) South 18°34'20" East a distance of 793.00 feet; (9) South 71°23'35" West a distance of 4.00 feet; (10) South 18°13'24" East a distance of 132.00 feet; (11) North 71°23'35" East a distance of 4.67 feet;