Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/657

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PUBLIC LAW 106-544—DEC. 19, 2000 114 STAT. 2719 (c) OTHER EXISTING APPLICABLE LAW.— Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit any existing authority under any other provision of Federal or State law for law enforcement agencies to locate or apprehend fugitives through task forces or any other means. SEC. 7. STUDY AND REPORTS ON ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENAS. 5 USC 551 note. (a) STUDY ON USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENAS. —Not later Oeadline. than December 31, 2001, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, shall complete a study on the use of administrative subpoena power by executive branch agencies or entities and shall report the findings to the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Such report shall include— (1) a description of the sources of administrative subpoena power and the scope of such subpoena power within executive branch agencies; (2) a description of applicable subpoena enforcement mechanisms; (3) a description of any notification provisions and any other provisions relating to safeguarding privacy interests; (4) a description of the standards governing the issuance of administrative subpoenas; and (5) recommendations from the Attorney General regarding necessary steps to ensure that administrative subpoena power is used and enforced consistently and fairly by executive branch agencies. (b) REPORT ON FREQUENCY OF USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUB- POENAS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— The Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury shall report in January of each year to the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the number of administrative subpoenas issued by them under this section and the identity of the agency or component of the Department of Justice or the Department of the Treasury issuing the subpoena and imposing the charges.