Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/724

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114 STAT. 2762A-24 PUBLIC LAW 106-553—APPENDIX A may, pursuant to the laws and regulations of the District of Columbia, accept and use gifts to the public schools without prior approval by the Mayor. SEC. 119. None of the Federal funds provided in this Act may be used by the District of Columbia to provide for salaries, expenses, or other costs associated with the offices of United States Senator or United States Representative under section 4(d) of the District of Columbia Statehood Constitutional Convention Initiatives of 1979 (D.C. Law 3-171; D.C. Code, sec. l -113(d)). SEC. 120. (a) MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS. — (1) CONTRACTS SUBJECT TO NOTICE REQUIREMENTS.— Section 2204(c)(1)(A) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act (sec. 31-2853.14(c)(1)(A), D.C. Code) is amended to read as follows: "(A) NOTICE REQUIREMENT FOR PROCUREMENT CON- TRACTS, — "(i) IN GENERAL. —Except in the case of an emergency (as determined by the eligible chartering authority of a public charter school), with respect to any procurement contract proposed to be awarded by the public charter school and having a value equal to or exceeding $25,000, the school shall publish a notice of a request for proposals in the District of Columbia Register and newspapers of general circulation not less than 7 days prior to the award of the contract. "(ii) EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN CONTRACTS. —The notice requirement of clause (i) shall not apply with respect to any contract for the lease or purchase of real property by a public charter school, any employ- ment contract for a staff member of a public charter school, or any management contract entered into by a public charter school and the management company designated in its charter or its petition for a revised charter.". (2) SUBMISSION OF CONTRACTS TO ELIGIBLE CHARTERING AUTHORITY.— Section 2204(c)(1)(B) of such Act (sec. 31- 2853.14(c)(1)(B), D.C. Code) is amended— (A) in the heading, by striking "AUTHORITY" and inserting "ELIGIBLE CHARTERING AUTHORITY"; (B) in clause (i), by striking "Authority" and inserting "eligible chartering authority"; and (C) by amending clause (ii) to read as follows: "(ii) EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT.— ^A contract described in subparagraph (A) shall become effective on the date that is 10 days after the date the school makes the submission under clause (i) with respect to the contract, or the effective date specified in the contract, whichever is later.", (b) CLARIFICATION OF APPLICATION OF SCHOOL REFORM ACT.— (1) WAIVER OF DUPLICATE AND CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. — Section 2210 of such Act (sec. 31-2853.20, D.C. Code) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(d) WAIVER OF APPLICATION OF DUPLICATE AND CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except as otherwise provided in this title, no provision of any law regarding the establishment, administration, or operation of public charter schools in the District of Columbia shall apply with