Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/825

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PUBLIC LAW 106-553—APPENDIX B 114 STAT. 2762A-125 a moratorium on new leasing was in effect as of January 1, 2000, unless the lease was issued prior to the establishment of the moratorium and was in production on January 1, 2000. "(8) The term 'qualified Outer Continental Shelf revenues' means all amounts received by the United States from each leased tract or portion of a leased tract lying seaward of the zone defined and governed by section 8(g) of this Act, or lying within such zone but to which section 8(g) does not apply, the geographic center of which lies within a distance of 200 miles from any part of the coastline of any Coastal State, including bonus bids, rents, royalties (including payments for royalties taken in kind and sold), net profit share payments, and related late payment interest. Such term does not include any revenues from a leased tract or portion of a leased tract that is included within any area of the Outer Continental Shelf where a moratorium on new leasing was in effect as of January 1, 2000, unless the lease was issued prior to the establishment of the moratorium and was in production on January 1, 2000. "(9) The term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Commerce. " (c) AUTHORIZATION.—For fiscal year 2001, $150,000,000 is authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of this section. " (d) IMPACT ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS TO STATES AND POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS.— The Secretary shall make payments from the amounts available under this section to Producing Coastal States with an approved Coastal Impact Assistance Plan, and to coastal political subdivisions as follows: "(1) ALLOCATIONS TO PRODUCING COASTAL STATES. —In each fiscal year, each Producing Coastal State's allocable share shall be equal to the sum of the following: "(A) 60 percent of the amounts appropriated shall be equally divided among all Producing Coastal States; "(B) 40 percent of the amounts appropriated for the purposes of this section shall be divided among Producing Coastal States based on Outer Continental Shelf production, except that of such amounts no Producing Coastal State may receive more than 25 percent in any fiscal year. "(2) CALCULATION.—The amount for each Producing Coastal State under paragraph (1)(B) shall be calculated based on the ratio of qualified OCS revenues generated off the coastline of the Producing Coastal State to the qualified OCS revenues generated off the coastlines of all Producing Coastal States for the period beginning on January 1, 1995 and ending on December 31, 2000. Where there is more than one Producing Coastal State within 200 miles of a leased tract, the amount of each Producing Coastal State's payment under paragraph (1)(B) for such leased tract shall be inversely proportional to the distance between the nearest point on the coastline of such State and the geographic center of each leased tract or portion of the leased tract (to the nearest whole mile) that is within 200 miles of that coastline, as determined by the Secretary. A leased tract or portion of a leased tract shall be excluded if the tract or portion is located in a geographic area where a moratorium on new leasing was in effect on January 1, 2000, unless the lease was issued prior to the establishment of the moratorium and was in production on January 1, 2000. 79-194O-00 -27:QL3Part4