Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/860

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AlO POPULAR NAME INDEX Page Ivanpah Valley Airport Public Lands Transfer Act 1404 Jackson Multi-Agency Campus Act of 2000 797 James Madison Commemoration Conunission Act 2745 Jamestown 400th Conmiemoration Commission Act of 2000... 2763A-359, 2812 Japanese Imperial Government Disclosiu-e Act of 2000 2864 Jennifer's Law 36 Johnson Act, amendments 2763A-251 Judiciary Appropriations Act, 2001 2762A-80 Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program Act of 1994, amendments 1276 K Kake Tribal Corporation Land Transfer Act 867 Kentucky National Forest Land Transfer Act of 2000 1900A-71 Kids 2000 Act 1260 Klamath Basin Water Supply Enhancement Act of 2000 2221 Kristen's Act 2027 Lackawanna Valley National Heritage Area Act of 2000 814 Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Act of 2000 1973 Lake Tahoe Restoration Act 2351 Lamprey Wild and Scenic River Extension Act 233 Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, amendments 28, 29 Land Between the Lakes Protection Act of 1998, amendments 974 Launching Our Communities' Access to Local Television Act of 2000 2762A-128 Law Enforcement Pay Equity Act of 2000 2763A-303 Legal Certainty for Bank Products Act of 2000 2763A-457 Legal Immigration Family Equity Act 2762A-142 Legal Immigration Family Equity Act, amendments 2763A-324 Legal Services Corporation Act, amendments 211 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1965, amendments 2763A-95 Page Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1993, amendments 2763A-120 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1999, amendments 2763A-96 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2001 2763A-93 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2001, amendments 1356A-55, 2763A-198 Lewis and Clark Rural Water System Act of 2000 579 Library of Congress Fiscal Operations Improvement Act of 2000 2187 LIFE Act Amendments of 2000 2763A- 324 Lincoln County Land Act of 2000 1046 Lincoln Highway Study Act of 2000 2809 Literacy Involves Families Together Act 2763A-328 Long Island Sound Restoration Act 1973 Long-Term Care Security Act 762 Lower Delaware Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 1817 Lower Rio Grande Valley Water Resources Conservation and Improvement Act of 2000 3065 Lupus Research and Care Amendments of 2000 2342 M Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, amendments 2763A-238, 2772 Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 2997 Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, amendments 2767, 2768 Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Act of 2000 2767 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act 1675 Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 2763A-463 Medicine Equity and Drug Safety Act of 2000 1549A-35 Methamphetamine Anti- Proliferation Act of 2000 1227 Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 2000 234 Mexican Border Act, amendments 454 Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act of 2000 1079 Microenterprise for Self-Reliance and International Anti- Corruption Act of 2000 1078