Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/96

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114 STAT. 2158 PUBLIC LAW 106-476—NOV. 9, 2000 Entry No. Date of entry Liquidation Date Avl-0894348-9 Avl-0894355-4 Avl-0894382-8 Avl-0894420-6 Avl -0894429-7 Avl -0894356-2 Avl-0894516-1 Avl-0894517-9 Avl -0894531-0 Avl-0894570-8 Avl -0894580-7 Avl-0894606-0 Avl-0894607-8 Avl-0894608-6 Avl -0894661-5 Avl-0894682-1 Avl -0894685-4 Avl -0894697-9 Avl-0894698-7 Avl-0894820-7 Avl-0894910-6 03-17-94 03-30-94 03-24-94 04-06-94 04-11 -94 04-04-94 05-23-94 05-23-94 06-01-94 05-27-94 05-31-94 06-07-94 06-15-94 06-06-94 06-21-94 06-24 -94 07-05 -94 07-06-94 07-12-94 07-27-94 08-18-94 05-06-94 05-06-94 06-17-94 06-17-94 06-24-94 08-12 -94 07-29-94 07-29-94 07-29-94 09-30-94 07-29-94 07-29-94 07-29-94 07-29-94 08-19-94 08-12-94 08-12-94 08-12-94 08-12-94 09-16-94 09-30-94 Deadline. Deadline. SEC. 1424. RELIQUIDATION OF CERTAIN ENTRIES OF VACUUM CLEANERS. (a) IN GENERAL. —Notwithstanding section 514 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1514) or any other provision of law, upon proper request filed with the United States Customs Service within 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Customs Service— (1) shall reliquidate each entry described in subsection (c) containing any merchandise which, at the time of original liquidation, had been classified under subheading 8509.80.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States; and (2) shall reliquidate such merchandise under subheading 8509.10.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States at the duty-free rate then applicable for such appliances. (b) PAYMENTS OF AMOUNTS OWED.—Any amounts owed by the United States pursuant to a request for the reliquidation of an entry under subsection (a) shall be paid within 180 days after the date on which the request is made. (c) AFFECTED ENTRIES. — The entries referred to in subsection (a), filed at the ports indicated, are as follows: Port of Entry Baltimore, MD Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Entry Numb er 004-7872032-9 004-7849971-8 004-7852693-2 004-7852699-9 004-7852722-9 004-7861673-3 004-7861692-3 004-7861704-6 004-7867000 -3 004-7867004-5 004-7875266-0 004-7870717-7 004-7870733 -4 004-7877886 -3 004-7875246-2 004-7850789 -0 004-7864752-2 004-7869967 -1 Date of Entry 1/11/99 11/19/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 12/8/98 12/8/98 12/8/98 12/17/98 12/17/98 1/3/99 1/6/99 1/6/99 1/7/99 1/13/99 11/20/98 12/14/98 12/22/98 Date of Liquidation 11/19/99 10/0^99 10/08/99 10/08/99 10/08/99 10/22/99 10/22/99 10/22/99 11/05/99 11/05/99 11/19/99 11/05/99 11/05/99 11/19/99 11/12/99 10/08/99 10/29/99 11/05/99