114 STAT. 2974 PUBLIC LAW 106-569—DEC. 27, 2000 "(viii)(I) a description of any housing to be demolished or disposed of; "(11) a timetable for that demolition or disposition; and "(III) any other information required by the Secretary with respect to that demolition or disposition; "(ix) a description of the manner in which the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands will coordinate with welfare agencies in the State of Hawaii to ensure that residents of the affordable housing will be provided with access to resources to assist in obtaining employment and achieving self-sufficiency; "(x) a description of the requirements established by the t)epartment of Hawaiian Home Lands to— "(I) promote the safety of residents of the affordable housing; "(II) facilitate the undertaking of crime prevention measures; "(III) allow resident input and involvement, including the establishment of resident organizations; and "(IV) allow for the coordination of crime prevention activities between the Department and local law enforcement officials; and "(xi) a description of the entities that will carry out the activities under the plan, including the organizational capacity and key personnel of the entities. "(E) CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE.— Evidence of compliance that shall include, as appropriate— "(i) a certification that the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands will comply with— "(I) title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) or with the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) in carrying out this title, to the extent that such title is applicable; and "(II) other applicable Federal statutes; "(ii) a certification that the Department will require adequate insurance coverage for housing units that are owned and operated or assisted with grant amounts provided under this title, in compliance with such requirements as may be established by the Secretary; "(iii) a certification that policies are in effect and are available for review by the Secretary and the public governing the eligibility, admission, and occupancy of families for housing assisted with grant amounts provided under this title; "(iv) a certification that policies are in effect and are available for review by the Secretary and the public governing rents charged, including the methods by which such rents or homebuyer payments are determined, for housing assisted with grant amounts provided under this title; and "(v) a certification that policies are in effect and are available for review by the Secretary and the public