Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 1.djvu/315

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PUBLIC LAW 107-56 —OCT. 26, 2001 115 STAT. 293 landlord, custodian, or other person who furnishes facilities or technical assistance pursuant to section 216 shall be reasonably compensated for such reasonable expenditures incurred in providing such facilities or assistance. SEC. 223. CIVIL LIABILITY FOR CERTAIN UNAUTHORIZED DISCLO- SURES. (a) Section 2520 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subsection (a), after "entity", by inserting ", other than the United States,"; (2) by adding at the end the following: "(f) ADMINISTRATIVE DISCIPLINE. —I f a court or appropriate department or agency determines that the United States or any of its departments or agencies has violated any provision of this chapter, and the court or appropriate department or agency finds that the circumstances surrounding the violation raise serious questions about whether or not an officer or employee of the United States acted willfully or intentionally with respect to the violation, the department or agency shall, upon receipt of a true and correct copy of the decision and findings of the court or appropriate department or agency promptly initiate a proceeding to determine whether disciplinary action against the officer or employee is warranted. If the head of the department or agency involved determines that disciplinary action is not warranted, he or she shall notify the Inspector General with jurisdiction over the department or agency concerned and shall provide the Inspector General with the reasons for such determination."; and (3) by adding a new subsection (g), as follows: "(g) IMPROPER DISCLOSURE IS VIOLATION. —Any willful disclosure or use by an investigative or law enforcement officer or governmental entity of information beyond the extent permitted by section 2517 is a violation of this chapter for purposes of section 2520(a).". (b) Section 2707 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subsection (a), after "entity", by inserting ", other than the United States,"; (2) by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: "(d) ADMINISTRATIVE DISCIPLINE.—I f a court or appropriate department or agency determines that the United States or any of its departments or agencies has violated any provision of this chapter, and the court or appropriate department or agency finds that the circumstances surrounding the violation raise serious questions about whether or not an officer or employee of the United States acted willfully or intentionally with respect to the violation, the department or agency shall, upon receipt of a true and correct copy of the decision and findings of the court or appropriate department or agency promptly initiate a proceeding to determine whether disciplinary action against the officer or employee is warranted. If the head of the department or agency involved determines that disciplinary action is not warranted, he or she shall notify the Inspector General with jurisdiction over the department or agency concerned and shall provide the Inspector General with the reasons for such determination."; and (3) by adding a new subsection (g), as follows: "(g) IMPROPER DISCLOSURE. — Any willful disclosure of a 'record', as that term is defined in section 552a(a) of title 5, United States Code, obtained by an investigative or law enforcement officer, or a governmental entity, pursuant to section 2703 of this title, or