PUBLIC LAW 107-63—NOV. 5, 2001 115 STAT. 453 FOSSIL ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For necessary expenses in carrying out fossil energy research and development activities, under the authority of the Department of Energy Organization Act (Public Law 95-91), including the acquisition of interest, including defeasible and equitable interests in any real property or any facility or for plant or facility acquisition or expansion, and for conducting inquiries, technological investigations and research concerning the extraction, processing, use, and disposal of mineral substances without objectionable social and environmental costs (30 U.S.C. 3, 1602, and 1603), $616,490,000, to remain available until expended, of which $11,000,000 is to begin a 7-year project for construction, renovation, furnishing, and demolition or removal of buildings at National Energy Technology Laboratory facilities in Morgantown, West Virginia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and for acquisition of lands, and interests therein, in proximity to the National Energy Technology Laboratory, and of which $33,700,000 shall be derived by transfer from funds appropriated in prior years under the heading "Clean Coal Technology", and of which $150,000,000 and such sums as may be appropriated in fiscal year 2003 are to be made available, after coordination with the private sector, for a request for proposals for a Clean Coal Power Initiative providing for competitively-awarded demonstrations of commercial scale technologies to reduce the barriers to continued and expanded coal use: Provided, That the request Deadlines. for proposals shall be issued no later than 120 days following enactment of this Act, proposals shall be submitted no later than 150 days after the issuance of the request for proposals, and the Department of Energy shall make project selections no later than 160 days after the receipt of proposals: Provided further. That no project may be selected for which sufficient funding is not available to provide for the total project: Provided further. That funds shall be expended in accordance with the provisions governing the use of funds contained under the heading "Clean Coal Technology" in prior appropriations: Provided further, That the Department may include provisions for repayment of Government contributions to individual projects in an amount up to the Government contribution to the project on terms and conditions that are acceptable to the Department including repayments from sale and licensing of technologies from both domestic and foreign transactions: Provided further. That such repayments shall be retained by the Department for future coal-related research, development and demonstration projects: Provided further. That any technology selected under this program shall be considered a Clean Coal Technology, and any project selected under this program shall be considered a Clean Coal Technology Project, for the purposes of 42 U.S.C. §765 In, and Chapters 51, 52, and 60 of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations: Provided further. That funds excess to the needs of the Power Plant Improvement Initiative procurement provided for under this heading in Public Law 106-291 shall be made available for the Clean Coal Power Initiative provided for under this heading in this Act: Provided further. That no part of the sum herein made available shall be used for the field testing of nuclear explosives in the recovery of oil and gas: Provided further. That up to 4 percent of program direction funds available to the