Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 1.djvu/634

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115 STAT. 612 PUBLIC LAW 107-71—NOV. 19, 2001 if the company will only employ individuals to provide such services who meet all the requirements of this chapter applicable to Federal Government personnel who perform screening services at airports under this chapter and will provide compensation and other benefits to such individuals that are not less than the level of compensation and other benefits provided to such Federal Government personnel in accordance with this chapter. " (g) STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE SCREENING COMPANIES.—The Under Secretary may enter into a contract with a private screening company to provide screening at an airport participating in the pilot program under this section only if the Under Secretary determines and certifies to Congress that the private screening company is owned and controlled by a citizen of the United States, to the extent that the Under Secretary determines that there are private screening companies owned and controlled by such citizens. "(h) TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS.—The Under Secretary may terminate any contract entered into with a private screening company to provide screening services at an airport under the pilot program if the Under Secretary finds that the company has failed repeatedly to comply with any standard, regulation, directive, order, law, or contract applicable to the hiring or training of personnel to provide such services or to the provision of screening at the airport. "(i) ELECTION.— If a contract is in effect with respect to screening at an airport under the pilot program on the last day of the 3-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this section, the operator of the airport may elect to continue to have such screening carried out by the screening personnel of a qualified private screening company under a contract entered into with the Under Secretary under section 44920 or by Federal Government personnel in accordance with this chapter. "§ 44920. Security screening opt-out program "(a) IN GENERAL. —On or after the last day of the 2-year period beginning on the date on which the Under Secretary transmits to Congress the certification required by section 110(c) of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, an operator of an airport may submit to the Under Secretary an application to have the screening of passengers and property at the airport under section 44901 to be carried out by the screening personnel of a qualified private screening company under a contract entered into with the Under Secretary. "(b) APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS.— The Under Secretary may approve any application submitted under subsection (a). "(c) QUALIFIED PRIVATE SCREENING COMPANY.—^A private screening company is qualified to provide screening services at an airport under this section if the company will only employ individuals to provide such services who meet all the requirements of this chapter applicable to Federal Government personnel who perform screening services at airports under this chapter and will provide compensation and other benefits to such individuals that are not less than the level of compensation and other benefits provided to such Federal Government personnel in accordance with this chapter. " (d) STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE SCREENING COMPANIES.—The Under Secretary may enter into a contract with a private screening company to provide screening at an airport under this section