Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 1.djvu/847

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PUBLIC LAW 107-84—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 825 dystrophy (referred to in this section as 'FSHD') and other forms of musculgir dystrophy. "(2) COORDINATION.—The Directors referred to in paragraph (1) shall jointly coordinate the programs referred to in such paragraph and consult with the Muscular Dystrophy Interagency Coordinating Committee established under section . 6of the MD-CAREAct. "(3) ALLOCATIONS BY DIRECTOR OF NIH.— The Director of NIH shall allocate the sunoimts appropriated to carry out this c;,: section for each fiscal year among the national research institutes referred to in paragraph (1). " (b) CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Director of NIH shall award grants Grants. and contracts under subsection (a)(1) to public or nonprofit Contracts. private entities to pay all or part of the cost of planning, establishing, improving, and providing basic operating support for centers of excellence regarding research on vanous forms of muscular dystrophy. "(2) RESEARCH.— Each center under paragraph (1) shall supplement but not replace the establishment of a comprehensive research portfolio in all the muscular dystrophies. As a whole, the centers shall conduct basic and clinical research in all forms of muscular dystrophy including early detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, including the fields of muscle biology, genetics, noninvasive imaging, genetics, pharmacological and other therapies. "(3) COORDINATION OF CENTERS; REPORTS. —The Director of NIH— "(A) shall, as appropriate, provide for the coordination of information among centers xmder paragraph (1) and ensiu-e regular communication between such centers; and "(B) shall require the periodic preparation of reports on the activities of the centers and the submission of the reports to the Director. "(4) ORGANIZATION OF CENTERS.— Each center under paragraph (1) shall use the facilities of a single institution, or be formed from a consortium of cooperating institutions, meeting such requirements as may be prescribed by the Director of NIH. " (5) DURATION OF SUPPORT.— Support for a center established tmder paragraph (1) may be provided under this section for a period of not to exceed 5 years. Such period may be extended for 1 or more additional periods not exceeding 5 yeEU-s if the operations of such center have been reviewed by an appropriate technical and scientific peer review group established by the Director of NIH and if such group has recommended to the Director that such period shoidd be extended. "(c) FACILITATION OF RESEARCH.—The Director of NIH shall provide for a program under subsection (a)(1) under which samples of tissues and genetic materials that are of use in research on muscular dystrophy are donated, collected, preserved, and made available for such reseeirch. The program shall be carried out in accordance with accepted scientific and medical stsuidards for the donation, collection, and preservation of such samples. " (d) COORDINATING COMMITTEE.—