Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/1017

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 2001 "(C) SPECIAL ATTENTION.— Special attention shall be given to ensuring the enrollment and attendance of homeless children and youths who are not currently attending school. "SEC. 723. LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY SUBGRANTS FOR THE EDU- 42 USC 11433. CATION OF HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTHS. "(a) GENERAL AUTHORITY.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — The State educational agency shall, in accordance with section 722(e), and from amounts made available to such agency under section 726, make subgrants to local educational agencies for the purpose of facilitating the enrollment, attendance, and success in school of homeless children and youths. " (2) SERVICES.— "(A) IN GENERAL.—Services under paragraph (1)— "(i) may be provided through programs on school grounds or at other facilities; "(ii) shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be provided through existing programs and mechanisms that integrate homeless children and youths with nonhomeless children and youths; and "(iii) shall be designed to expand or improve services provided as part of a school's regular academic program, but not to replace such services provided under such program. "(B) SERVICES ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.— If services under paragraph (1) are provided on school grounds, schools— "(i) may use funds under this subtitle to provide the same services to other children and youths who are determined by the local educational agency to be at risk of failing in, or dropping out of, school, subject to the requirements of clause (ii); and "(ii) except as otherwise provided in section 722(e)(3)(B), shall not provide services in settings within a school that segregate homeless children and youths from other children and youths, except as necessary for short periods of time— "(I) for health and safety emergencies; or "(II) to provide temporary, special, and supplementary services to meet the unique needs of homeless children and youths. "(3) REQUIREMENT.— Services provided under this section shall not replace the regular academic program and shall be designed to expand upon or improve services provided as part of the school's regular academic program. "(b) APPLICATION.— ^A local educational agency that desires to receive a subgrant under this section shall submit an application to the State educational agency at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the State educational agency may reasonably require. Such application shall include the following: "(1) An assessment of the educational and related needs of homeless children and youths in the area served by such agency (which may be undertaken as part of needs assessments for other disadvantaged groups).