Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/139

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PUBLIC LAW 107-107—DEC. 28, 2001 115 STAT. 1123 "2647. Next-of-kin of persons unaccounted for from conflicts after World War II: transportation to annual meetings.". SEC. 575. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER OF DEFENSE TASK FORCE ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. (a) MEMBERS APPOINTED FROM PRIVATE SECTOR.— Subsection (h)(1) of section 591 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Public Law 106-65; 113 Stat. 639; 10 U.S.C. 1562 note) is amended— (1) by inserting "who is a member of the Armed Forces or civilian officer or employee of the United States" after "Each member of the task force"; (2) by striking ", but shall" and all that follows and inserting a period; and (3) by adding at the end the following new sentence: "Other members of the task force shall be appointed in accordance with, and subject to, section 3161 of title 5, United States Code.". (b) EXTENSION OF TERMINATION DATE. —Subsection (j) of such section is amended by striking "three years after the date of the enactment of this Act" and inserting "on April 24, 2003". Subtitle I—Military Justice and Legal Assistance Matters SEC. 581. BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT LIMIT FOR THE OFFENSE UNDER THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE OF DRUNKEN OPERATION OF A VEHICLE, AIRCRAFT, OR VESSEL. Section 911 of title 10, United States Code (article 111 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), is amended— (1) by inserting "(a)" before "Any person"; (2) by striking "0.10 grams" the first place it appears and all that follows through "chemical analysis" and inserting "in excess of the applicable limit under subsection (b)"; and (3) by adding at the end the following: "(b)(1) For purposes of subsection (a), the applicable limit on the alcohol concentration in a person's blood or breath is as follows: "(A) In the case of the operation or control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel in the United States, such limit is the blood alcohol content limit under the law of the State in which the conduct occurred, except as may be provided under paragraph (2) for conduct on a military installation that is in more than one State and subject to the maximum blood alcohol content limit specified in paragraph (3). "(B) In the case of the operation or control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel outside the United States, the applicable blood alcohol content limit is the maximum blood alcohol content limit specified in paragraph (3) or such lower limit as the Secretary of Defense may by regulation prescribe. "(2) In the case of a military installation that is in more than one State, if those States have different blood alcohol content limits under their respective State laws, the Secretary may select one such blood alcohol content limit to apply uniformly on that installation.