Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/352

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115 STAT. 1336 PUBLIC LAW 107-107—DEC. 28, 2001 SEC. 2901. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Fort Irwin MiHtary Land Withdrawal Act of 2001". SEC. 2902. WITHDRAWAL AND RESERVATION OF LANDS FOR NATIONAL TRAINING CENTER. (a) WITHDRAWAL.— Subject to valid existing rights and except as otherwise provided in this title, all public lands and interests in lands described in subsection (c) are hereby withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the general land laws, including the mining laws and mineral and geothermal leasing laws, and jurisdiction over such lands and interests in lands withdrawn and reserved by this title is hereby transferred to the Secretary of the Army. (b) RESERVATION. — The lands withdrawn under subsection (a) are reserved for use by the Secretary of the Army for the following purposes: (1) The conduct of combined arms military training at the National Training Center. (2) The development and testing of military equipment at the National Training Center. (3) Other defense-related purposes consistent with the purposes specified in paragraphs (1) and (2). (4) Conservation and related research purposes. (c) LAND DESCRIPTION.— The public lands and interests in lands withdrawn and reserved by this section comprise approximately 110,000 acres in San Bernardino County, California, as generally depicted as "Proposed Withdrawal Land" on the map entitled "National Training Center—Proposed Withdrawal of Public Lands for Training Purposes", dated September 21, 2000, and filed in accordance with section 2903. (d) CHANGES IN USE. —The Secretary of the Army shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior before using the lands withdrawn and reserved by this section for any purpose other than those purposes identified in subsection (b). (e) INDIAN TRIBES.— Nothing in this title shall be construed as altering any rights reserved for tribal use by treaty or Federal law. The Secretary of the Army shall consult with federally recognized Indian tribes in the vicinity of the lands withdrawn under subsection (a) before taking action affecting rights or cultural resources protected by treaty or Federal law. SEC. 2903. MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION. (a) PREPARATION OF MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION. —As soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall— (1) publish in the Federal Register a notice containing the legal description of the lands withdrawn and reserved by this title; and (2) file a map and legal description of the lands withdrawn and reserved by this title with the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives. (b) LEGAL EFFECT.— The map and legal description shall have the same force and effect as if included in this title, except that the Secretary of the Interior may correct clerical and typographical errors in the map and legal description.