Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/358

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115 STAT. 1342 PUBLIC LAW 107-107—DEC. 28, 2001 TITLE XXX—REALIGNMENT AND CLO- SURE OF MILITARY INSTALLATIONS AND PREPARATION OF INFRASTRUC- TURE PLAN FOR THE NUCLEAR WEAP- ONS COMPLEX Sec. 3001. Authorization of round of realignments and closures of military installations in 2005. Sec. 3002. Selection criteria. Sec. 3003. Revised procedures for making recommendations for realignments and closures and commission consideration of recommendations. Sec. 3004. Limitations on privatization in place. Sec. 3005. Department of Defense Base Closiu"e Account 2005. Sec. 3006. Implementation of closure and realignment decisions. Sec. 3007. Technical and clarifying amendments. Sec. 3008. Preparation of infrastructure plan for the nuclear weapons complex. SEC. 3001. AUTHORIZATION OF ROUND OF REALIGNMENTS AND CLO- SURES OF MILITARY INSTALLATIONS IN 2005. The Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX of Public Law 101-510; 10 U.S.C. 2687 note) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: " SEC. 2912. 2005 ROUND OF REALIGNMENTS AND CLOSURES OF MILI- TARY INSTALLATIONS. "(a) FORCE-STRUCTURE PLAN AND INFRASTRUCTURE INVEN- TORY.— "(1) PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION. —As part of the budget justification documents submitted to Congress in support of the budget for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2005, the Secretary shall include the following: "(A) A force-structure plan for the Armed Forces based on an assessment by the Secretary of the probable threats to the national security during the 20-year period beginning with fiscal year 2005, the probable end-strength levels and major military force units (including land force divisions, carrier and other major combatant vessels, air wings, and other comparable units) needed to meet these threats, and the anticipated levels of funding that will be available for national defense purposes during such period. "(B) A comprehensive inventory of military installations world-wide for each military department, with specifications of the number and type of facilities in the active and reserve forces of each military department. "(2) RELATIONSHIP OF PLAN AND INVENTORY. —Using the force-structure plan and infrastructure inventory prepared under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall prepare (and include as part of the submission of such plan and inventory) the following: "(A) A description of the infrastructure necessary to support the force structure described in the force-structure plan. "(B) A discussion of categories of excess infrastructure and infrastructure capacity. "(C) An economic analysis of the effect of the closure or realignment of military installations to reduce excess infrastructure.