Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/487

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 1471 (b), in rank order, on the basis of the total number of children from low-income families in each area or school. " (2) SPECIAL RULE.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the per-pupil amount of funds allocated to each school attendance area or school under paragraph (1) shall be at least 125 percent of the per-pupil amount of funds a local educational agency received for that year under the poverty criteria described by the local educational agency in the plan submitted under section 1112, except that this paragraph shall not apply to a local educational agency that only serves schools in which the percentage of such children is 35 percent or greater. "(B) EXCEPTION.— ^A local educational agency may reduce the amount of funds allocated under subparagraph (A) for a school attendance area or school by the amount of any supplemental State and local funds expended in that school attendance area or school for programs that meet the requirements of section 1114 or 1115. "(3) RESERVATION.— ^A local educational agency shall reserve such funds as are necessary under this part to provide services comparable to those provided to children in schools funded under this part to serve— "(A) homeless children who do not attend participating schools, including providing educationally related support services to children in shelters and other locations where children may live; "(B) children in local institutions for neglected children; and "(C) if appropriate, children in local institutions for delinquent children, and neglected or delinquent children in community day school programs. " (4) FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AND REWARDS RESERVATION. — A local educational agency may reserve such funds as are necessary from those funds received by the local educational agency under title II, and not more than 5 percent of those funds received by the local educational agency under subpart 2, to provide financial incentives and rewards to teachers who serve in schools eligible under this section and identified for school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring under section 1116(b) for the purpose of attracting and retaining qualified and effective teachers.


20 USC 6314. "(a) USE OF FUNDS FOR SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAMS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—^A local educational agency may consolidate and use funds under this part, together with other Federal, State, and local funds, in order to upgrade the entire educational program of a school that serves an eligible school attendance area in which not less than 40 percent of the children are from low-income families, or not less than 40 percent of the children enrolled in the school are from such families. " (2) IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENTS NOT REQUIRED.— "(A) IN GENERAL. —No school participating in a schoolwide program shall be required— "(i) to identify particular children under this part as eligible to participate in a schoolwide program; or