Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/563

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 1547 and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may require. Each such application shall include the following: "(A) Evidence that the State educational agency has carried out its obligations under section 1203. "(B) Evidence that the State educational agency has met the criteria described in subsection (a). "(C) The amount of funds requested by the State educational agency and a description of the criteria the State educational agency intends to use in distributing subgrants to eligible local educational agencies under this section to continue or expand activities under subsection (d)(5). "(D) Evidence that the State educational agency has increased significantly the percentage of students reading at grade level or above. "(E) Any additional evidence that demonstrates success in the implementation of this section. "(d) SUBGRANTS TO ELIGIBLE LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES. — "(1) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary may make a grant to a State educational agency under this section only if the State educational agency agrees to expend 100 percent of the amount of the funds provided under this grant for the purpose of making competitive subgrants in accordance with this subsection to eligible local educational agencies. "(2) NOTICE.— A State educational agency receiving a grant under this section shall provide notice to all local educational agencies in the State of the availability of competitive subgrants under this subsection and of the requirements for applying for the subgrants. "(3) APPLICATION.—To be eligible to receive a subgrant under this subsection, an eligible local educational agency shall submit an application to the State educational agency at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the State educational agency may reasonably require. " (4) DISTRIBUTION.— "(A) IN GENERAL.—^A State educational agency shall distribute subgrants under this section through a competitive process based on relative need of eligible local educational agencies and the evidence described in this paragraph. "(B) EVIDENCE USED IN ALL YEARS. —For all fiscal years, a State educational agency shall distribute subgrants under this section based on evidence that an eligible local educational agency— "(i) satisfies the requirements of section 1202(c)(4); "(ii) will carry out its obligations under this subpart; "(iii) will work with other local educational agencies in the State that have not received a subgrant under this subsection to assist such nonreceiving agencies in increasing the reading achievement of students; and "(iv) is meeting the criteria described in subsection (a). "(5) LOCAL USES OF FUNDS.—An eligible local educational agency that receives a subgrant under this subsection—