Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/608

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115 STAT. 1592 PUBLIC LAW lOV-llQ-^AN. 8, 2002 a State agency at a community day school operated specifically for neglected or delinquent children and youth. " (4) INSTITUTION FOR NEGLECTED OR DELINQUENT CHILDREN AND YOUTH.—The term 'institution for neglected or delinquent children and youth' means— "(A) a public or private residential facility, other than a foster home, that is operated for the care of children who have been committed to the institution or voluntarily placed in the institution under applicable State law, due to abandonment, neglect, or death of their parents or guardians; or "(B) a public or private residential facility for the care of children who have been adjudicated to be delinquent or in need of supervision. "PART E—NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF TITLE I 20 USC 6491. "SEC. 1501. EVALUATIONS. " (a) NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF TITLE I. — "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall conduct a national assessment of the programs assisted under this title and the impact of this title on States, local educational agencies, schools, and students. "(2) ISSUES TO BE EXAMINED.— In conducting the assessment under this subsection, the Secretary shall examine, at a minimum, the following: "(A) The implementation of programs assisted under this title and the impact of such implementation on increasing student academic achievement (particularly in schools with high concentrations of children living in poverty), relative to the goal of all students reaching the proficient level of achievement based on State academic assessments, challenging State academic content standards, and challenging State student academic achievement standards under section 1111. "(B) The types of programs and services that have demonstrated the greatest likelihood of helping students reach the proficient and advanced levels of achievement based on State student academic achievement standards and State academic content standards. "(C) The implementation of State academic standards, assessments, and accountability systems developed under this title, including— "(i) the time and cost required for the development of academic assessments for students in grades 3 through 8; "(ii) how well such State assessments meet the requirements for assessments described in this title; and "(iii) the impact of such standards, assessments, and accountability systems on educational programs and instruction at the local level. "(D) Each State's definition of adequate yearly progress, including— "(i) the impact of applying this definition to schools, local educational agencies, and the State;