Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/631

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 1615 have annual school dropout rates that are greater than the average annual school dropout rate for the State; "(C) describe the instructional strategies to be implemented, how the strategies will serve all students, and the effectiveness of the strategies; "(D) describe a budget and timeline for implementing the strategies; "(E) contain evidence of coordination with existing resources; "(F) provide an assurance that funds provided under this subpart will supplement, and not supplant, other State and local funds available for school dropout prevention and reentry programs; and "(G) describe how the activities to be assisted conform with research knowledge about school dropout prevention and reentry. "(2) LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY.— Each application and plan submitted under subsection (a) by a local educational agency shall contain, in addition to the requirements of paragraph (1)— "(A) an assurance that the local educational agency is committed to providing ongoing operational support for such schools to address the problem of school dropouts for a period of 5 years; and "(B) an assurance that the local educational agency will support the plan, including— "(i) provision of release time for teacher training; "(ii) efforts to coordinate activities for secondary schools and the middle schools that feed students into those secondary schools; and "(iii) encouraging other schools served by the local educational agency to participate in the plan. "SEC. 1824. STATE RESERVATION. "A State educational agency that receives a grant under paragraph (2) or (3) of section 1822(a) may reserve not more than 5 percent of the grant funds for administrative costs and State activities related to school dropout prevention and reentry activities, of which not more than 2 percent of the grant funds may be used for administrative costs. "SEC. 1825. STRATEGIES A^fD CAPACITY BUILDING. "Each local educational agency receiving a grant or subgrant under this subpart and each State educational agency receiving a grant under this subpart shall implement scientifically based, sustainable, and widely replicated strategies for school dropout prevention and reentry. The strategies may include— "(1) specific strategies for targeted purposes, such as— "(A) effective early intervention programs designed to identify at-risk students; "(B) effective programs serving at-risk students, including racial and ethnic minorities and pregnant and parenting teenagers, designed to prevent such students from dropping out of school; and "(C) effective programs to identify and encourage youth who have already dropped out of school to reenter school and complete their secondary education; and 20 USC 6561c. 20 USC 6561d.