Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/662

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115 STAT. 1646 PUBLIC LAW 107-110—JAN. 8, 2002 standards for mathematics and science and to select appropriate curricula; and "(iii) train teachers to use curricula that are— "(I) based on scientific research; "(11) aligned with challenging State academic content standards; and "(III) object-centered, experiment-oriented, and concept- and content-based; and "(B) may include— "(i) programs that provide teachers and prospective teachers with opportunities to work under the guidance of experienced teachers and college faculty; "(ii) instruction in the use of data and assessments to inform and instruct classroom practice; and "(iii) professional development activities, including supplemental and followup activities, such as curriculum alignment, distance learning, and activities that train teachers to utilize technology in the classroom. "(4) Recruiting mathematics, engineering, and science majors to teaching through the use of— "(A) signing and performance incentives that are linked to activities proven effective in retaining teachers, for individuals with demonstrated professional experience in mathematics, engineering, or science; "(B) stipends provided to mathematics and science teachers for certification through alternative routes; "(C) scholarships for teachers to pursue advanced course work in mathematics, engineering, or science; and "(D) other programs that the State educational agency determines to be effective in recruiting and retaining individuals with strong mathematics, engineering, or science backgrounds. "(5) Developing or redesigning more rigorous mathematics and science curricula that are aligned with challenging State and local academic content standards and with the standards expected for postsecondary study in mathematics and science. "(6} Establishing distance learning programs for mathematics and science teachers using curricula that are innovative, content-based, and based on scientifically based research that is current as of the date of the program involved. "(7) Designing programs to prepare a mathematics or science teacher at a school to provide professional development to other mathematics or science teachers at the school and to assist beginning and other teachers at the school, including (if applicable) a mechanism to integrate the teacher's experiences from a summer workshop or institute into the provision of professional development and assistance. "(8) Establishing and operating programs to bring mathematics and science teachers into contact with working scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, to expand such teachers' subject matter knowledge of and research in science and mathematics. "(9) Designing programs to identify and develop exemplary mathematics and science teachers in the kindergarten through grade 8 classrooms.