Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/797

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110—JAN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 1781 " Subpart 3—Local Innovative Education Programs "SEC. 5131. LOCAL USES OF FUNDS. 20 USC 7215. "(a) INNOVATIVE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.—Funds made available to local educational agencies under section 5112 shall be used for innovative assistance programs, which may include any of the following: "(1) Programs to recruit, train, and hire highly qualified teachers to reduce class size, especially in the early grades, and professional development activities carried out in accordance with title II, that give teachers, principals, and administrators the knowledge and skills to provide students with the opportunity to meet challenging State or local academic content standards and student academic achievement standards. "(2) Technology activities related to the implementation of school-based reform efforts, including professional development to assist teachers and other school personnel (including school library media personnel) regarding how to use technology effectively in the classrooms and the school library media centers involved. "(3) Programs for the development or acquisition and use of instructional and educational materials, including library services and materials (including media materials), academic assessments, representatives, computer software and hardware for instructional use, and other curricular materials: that are tied to high academic standards, that will be used to improve student academic achievement, and that are part of an overall education reform program. "(4) Promising education reform projects, including magnet schools. "(5) Programs to improve the academic achievement of educationally disadvantaged elementary school and secondary school students, including activities to prevent students from dropping out of school. "(6) Programs to improve the literacy skills of adults, especially the parents of children served by the local educational agency, including adult education and family literacy programs. "(7) Programs to provide for the educational needs of gifted and talented children. "(8) The planning, design, and initial implementation of charter schools as described in part B. "(9) School improvement programs or activities under sections 1116 and 1117. "(10) Community service programs that use qualified school personnel to train and mobilize young people to measurably strengthen their communities through nonviolence, responsibility, compassion, respect, and moral courage. "(11) Activities to promote consumer, economic, and personal finance education, such as disseminating information on and encouraging use of the best practices for teaching the basic principles of economics and promoting the concept of achieving financial literacy through the teaching of personal financial management skills (including the basic principles involved with earning, spending, saving, and investing).